What Happened......?

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(??? P.O.V)

It was just another crime-fighting night, the team had split up into two groups of two and one group of three to patrol the streets of Jump City. The only action we had found by the end of the night was a bank robbery.

"It looks like those bank robbers are all we are going to find tonight guys, we should head back to the watchtower" stated Flash once we had all meet up at the center of the city.
Everyone either nodded or muttered their agreements.


Everyone was suddenly alert and moving (in someway) towards the sound. When we arrived at the street we followed the sound of laughter to an ally to find Mad Harriet and Granny walking toward a little girl about 4 years old with black hair wearing a white long sleeve top and denim one-piece dress who was scared out of her mind. I was suddenly filled with rage at the sight in front of me so I flew over Granny and Mad Harriet and picked up the little girl and flew up into the sky with her. She clung to me like her life depends on it.

"Sir, can you please take me to Ma and Da?" Asked the little girl, as she asked though I couldn't help but fell my heart drop into my feet as I could only imagine what could have happened to them for this little girl to be on the streets at this time of the night. My worst fears were revealed when Diana walked up beside me and tapped the side of her head, I knew what it meant.

( This means mind link)

Me: "Diana, whats wrong?"

Wonder Woman: "The child's parents, they're.... they're.."

Batman: "They're Dead. Mad Harriet's claw marks are noticeable. She Murdered them. The Mother was still alive when we got there."

Wonder Woman: "Her last words were asking if the Justice League could raise the child as she has no other family ."

Batman: "There is an Orphanage a few blocks from here. We can take her th-"

Me: " NO! The Mother wanted us to raise the child, and I intend to do just that."

I look down to see the child struggling to stay awake.

"Whats your name?" I asked.

"Lyric Miller, what's your's?"

" J'onn J'onzz, Lyric, you can go to sleep, it's late."

"Goodnight, J'onzz" and with that, she fell asleep in my arms.

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