
108 12 20

Two A.M.

It's been hours, 

Lying there,

Watching as the minutes tick by.

You yearn for sleep.

Needing to slip away,

To disappear from the world,

From all the horrors that it holds.

But you can't.

Plagued by nightmares, 

By tragic memories,

By the unbearable pain.

Held prisoner by your own mind.

You can lie to yourself.

Say that you don't need the sleep.

But are you really fooling anyone?

You know you need it.

Your body insists that you do.

Still, your mind rules.

It refuses to release you.

It has you locked up,

Tucked away in a private prison cell.

Hidden where there is no sleep.

All the pain,




Everything that you deal with,

It's all here.

They're  your prison guards.

You have to stay in your cell.

You can't escape,

No matter how you fight.

Your mind is the one that controls.

It knows how to keep you chained.

It's keeping you captive,

But there's not a thing you can do.

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