For the Attention-Seekers

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Go ahead.

Laugh. Smile. Joke.

We'll sit here,

Acting like your little puppets.

You're seeking attention.

Yet, you deny the obvious fact.

Do you mistake us for stupid?

We can see through your petty facade.

When we didn't come running,

You took drastic measures.

Sadly, it backfired,

Exposing who you are.

Haven't you heard the whispers?

They spread through the halls,

Little leaves rusting in the wind.

Do others opinions not affect you?

Don't you notice the giggles?

Your peers don't hide it,

They openly laugh at your stupidity.

I'm shocked you haven't realized.

Don't you see,

We act around you.

Make you feel worth something.

In all honestly, we hate you.

"Attention-seeking bitch."

You ever hear that?

I'm sure you have.

You thought it was someone else, I bet.

You've managed to chase all your friends away.


Be proud.

You're actions have left you alone.

Don't worry, though.

That's not all.

Your too big mouth and queen of the world attidute 

All helped to leave  you left totally alone.

But don't fret,

You're just friendless and undesirable.

But that's not a big deal.

You have your blade, and that's what it's for, correct?

[A/N] I realize this may be a bit confusing, but basically it's about this girl who was cutting herself and flaunting it to everyone just because she wanted attention from a guy, which in the end backfired and left her with nobody to talk to. Thanks for reading(:

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