My Fight With Myself

120 10 14

Sometimes I try

To let it all out.

But it always ends

In tears and pain.

I feel so helpless.

I feel so lost.

No power.

No strength.

But that's not how I am.

I try to fight,

But only end up

Hurting myself.

Nobody really gets it,

Nobody really gets me.

My tears are my friends,

My blade is my strengthener.

Pillows muffle my cries,

So nobody even knows

About my pain.

I'm all alone.

It's just so hard,

To fight it.

I'm fighting myself,

And I'm losing.

It's why I'm so

Miserable, lost.

My blade is all I need,

For nothing else helps.

My blood soothes me,

As it runs down my wrist,

And then my tears stream out,

And my blade rests.

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