The dead and the innocent part 6 (Pic of Arianna)

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I shoved past Arianna and started to walk towards the council room. God! Aaliyah tasted so good. In my 300 years I never tasted someone so light. She tasted like the sun during spring and smelt like flowers. Like she was her own garden. I wanted her so bad. I wanted to have a infinite supply of her blood and drink it for another 300 years.

I could hear footsteps behind me. I turned around and looked at Arianna, her sandy blonde hair was done up in a braid that almost reached her hip. Her eyes held no emotion. She just stood there staring at me

I finally broke the silence.

"What?" I said. Making my voice monotone. She walked over to me and slapped me. My head snapped to the side. My fangs extended and I stared at Arianna.

"Do not show your fangs to me!" She said raising her voice. I snarled and retracted my fangs. " You are not to hurt our guest. She is vital to our cause" She was standing an inch from my face now. I could feel her cold breath on my face. I gave her a death stare and continued towards the council room.

I burst through the doors and saw over a dozen supernatural's standing around a long conference table. I quickly told them to sit down and took my seat and the head of the table. I looked down the other end of the table to see Arianna sitting down. I quickly scanned the faces and saw a few familiar faces.

They were all staring at me, waiting for me to start the meeting. I rested my hand on the table and told them about the new member of our staff.


My eyes slowly fluttered open. I was still in the hallway. What is wrong with the people in this building. Why couldn't they move me and make me wake up somewhere nice.

I slowly struggled to my feet and walked towards the big double doors. If I could find Pryce, or even civilisation, that would be a gift from the gods. I carried on walking down the hall and reached the double doors. As I reached for the door handle I heard Pryce talking.

"She is terrific, she healed Maria and keeled herself within three days" He growled. I pressed up closer towards the door and could another man answer Pryce.

"She must be killed, whether she is terrific or not she will turn against us when she finds out the true extent of her power".

True extent? What did he mean.

I shuffled closer to the door.

I heard a bang "Never! She will not be killed, she is an asset. Perhaps if we treat her well enough she will become our ally" It was Pryce this time. He sounded to annoyed. Why would he be annoyed? He was the one who tried to kill me earlier today. But I had to admit it felt nice. I could feel his pleasure against my inner thigh as his hand clutched my back against his front while he drank my blood.....ok there is something seriously wrong with me.

I heard a chair scrap against the floor before the door flung open a second later. I fell flat on my face. That'll teach me too eavesdrop. I groaned and tried to get up.

"So this is the famous Drefka. Bit scrawny Pryce" He said yanking my hair. I screamed and clamped my hands on his, Trying to loosen his grip.

"Let her go Kyle" Pryce's booming voice ricocheting off the walls in the room. I opened my eyes and saw about 12 people standing up staring at Kyle. Most of them had fangs and others were shaking. He yanked again. I screamed and tears started to blur my sight.

I started to whimper and sob. Gawd this was embarrassing, a room full of strangers and I'm blubbering like a baby. I looked up at Pryce, His whole body was rigid. His hand where clenched into fists and his lips where pulled up into a snarl, exposing his fangs. Why was he being like that? He couldn't possibly care about me.....could he?

All of a sudden the men...and women, sitting around the table bowed. Kyle, the man holding my hair, turned around and immediately bowed. He let me hair go and placed the hand on his heart. I looked up and saw the hottest guy I had ever seen. He was about my age, with black spiked hair with blonde high lights. His blue eyes had a hint of brown and were framed in long lashes that cast shadows over his defined cheek bones that were slightly hollowed.

I crawled away from Kyle and towards a small corner to the side of the room.

"Why do you torture the human?" He said, Oh sweet lord!! His voice was so stunning. It was a low baritone, but not low enough to scare you and it had a hint of a Scottish accent in it. It held so much authority, I could swear I saw a few of the still bowing women flinch. Why did this man hold so much power? He was no older than.... 20 at least.

Kyle spoke first, breaking the silence "The Drefka was listening to us sire, she was plotting against us"

The man slowly walked towards Kyle "She was not plotting but simply listening, she was curious. She knows nothing of this councils plans"

"But sire-"

"Enough, pest! You are a blocking my path to my Drefka!" Kyle ran out the room, still bowing.

The man swept of to me, without even making a clack on the marble. I shuffled back against the wall and brought my knees close to me chest.

"Ahh, it is truly marvellous to meet you my dear" He said placing a chilled finger under my chin, forcing to look him in the eyes. His eyes were so engaging as if the whole world

Had looked into them.

"Pryce!" He said loudly, making me jump. Pryce sped towards us and stood next to me bowing.

"Yes sire?" He said, keeping his head down.

"Has she been tested?" He said, turning my head from side to side inspecting my face.

"Yes sire"

"Very good. How well was she tested?"

"She healed Maria"

"Maria?" He looked up at Pryce, quirking and eyebrow. "And the Drefka survived"

"Yes sire, she had a lot of blood loss and it took almost 3 day, but she healed"

"Extraordinary" The man said looking back at me. "She shall dine with me tonight"

Pryce bowed and walked towards the open double doors.

"Oh and Pryce-" Said the man " Do not drink from her again, other wise I shall kill you" The man smirked at me. Pryce nodded and walked out of the door.


Its longer!! YAY!

Ok so no cliff hanger. But the story is really starting to take off.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2010 ⏰

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