The dead and the innocent part 3 (pic of Carl)

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Hey everyone. Not a lot of people are reading this I realise but that's ok.

Hope you guys are liking it so far.

Thank for reading, plz comment and vote.

P.s. Sorry its taken to long!

A jolt of electricity slid up my body making my eyes lids snap open. I started to scream but the screams seemed to stop in my throat, My body started to jolt and writhe as the electricity travelled through me. I tried to escape but I was chained to piece of vertical metal. Eventually the pain stopped and my body relaxed, if it weren't for the chains I would have fallen to the ground.

Claps started to echo through the darkness the consumed the room. Suddenly brightness illuminated the room; it took a few second for my eyes to recover. When they did standing there in front of me was a woman. She was wearing tight blue jeans that flared at her feet, she wore white t-shirt clung to her torso. She had wavy blonde hair that stopped just above her waist. She was quite tall; a lot taller than I was anyway. She stopped clapping and looked me straight in the eye.

"I must say that you hide very well Ms Smith" Her full lips curled into a menacing smile as she carried on talking " It took us at least.... Six months to find you"

I just stared at her blankly. Her deep blue eyes seemed to look deep into my soul as if searching for something.

"You see, you have an extraordinary talent" The woman continued.

My heart began to beat faster. How could she know about me?! I had never told anyone, well apart from Carl and Suzie, and of course Mum and Dad but Mum and Dad were dead.

"I think this convocation would go a lot easier if you spoke back Ms Smith" She said impatiently.

I looked away, I didn't want to talk to this woman. I didn't even know her!

She sighed and nodded to someone behind me. A sharp pain spread through my body, my head snapped back. This time my screams didn't get stuck in my throat, they echoed throughout the small room. Rebounding off of all the walls. My ears started to ring. Did this woman have no mercy? Did she like to see me in pain? She must be insane.

Somehow I could hear the faint sound of yelling, I couldn't figure out how I could hear anything over the ringing in my ears, and the pain coursing through my body.

"Please stop" I screamed in the woman general direction. I couldn't handle it anymore I wanted to die. My body felt as if it had melted by the time she had turned off the electricity. Again, my whole body went limp but this time it was numb. I was still twitching a little bit from the shock. My ears were still ringing but I could still faintly hear arguing in the background. It was almost as if someone had turned the sound down in real life. I used what was left of the strength, still left in my body, to look up. The door was open and there was a man standing there talking to the woman. He was well over six foot with lovely brown hair that was just above his shoulders. He wasn't that bad looking either.

What was I thinking! I was in God knows where with God knows who for God knows how long!

All the electricity must have gotten to my head.

The conversation was starting to make sense to me now. The ringing was beginning to fade.

"What the hell do you mean by that?" yelled the man.

"You know damn well what I mean! She can heal herself who cares how much pain we put her through she's going to heal straight away" said the woman.

"I don't care! How the hell do you think she will help us when she's been zapped so many times her brains nothing but mushy liquid! Now get out of my sight!" He said motioning his arm towards the open door. The woman stood there staring at the man, and then walked out. It was odd that she could be so intimidated by him, he didn't look so bad. Even with that rough exterior he had some sort of kindness about him. He slowly turned around and looked up at me. Even though I was elevated he was still taller than me, but only be an inch. He had beautiful blue eyes that seemed to sparkle in the light. He started to reach behind me. I quickly moved away. Please don't zap me any more! Please! I thought.

"Don't worry" He said "I won't hurt you"

I herd clicking behind me, my whole body fell forward and into the strangers arms. I let out a little whimper when he caught me. He slowly helped me out of the room and down a long hallway that was at least forty metres long. The lights shone small beams onto the floor, I felt like someone would suddenly jumps out and scare me, but no one did. When we finally reached a room all it help was a desk and two chairs, one behind the desk and one in front. They weren't anything extravagant, just your plain everyday wooden chair. The desk had the essentials; paper, pens, pencils and a lamp. There where shelves that stretched the length and width off the wall. The shelves were stacked with books, they seemed ancient, some were at least one hundred years old but others could have been bought yesterday. I couldn't see the titles from were I was now sitting and I didn't really care.

The man sat down behind the desk, lent forward and started to stare at me. It was very nerve racking. He slowly examined me for about five minutes and then lent back in his chair, making it squeak in protest, and continued to stare. I stared back at him. From this distance he looked very menacing. The light of the lamp only covered half his face. He had a small scar on his left ear. At the start of the scar was a small stud. He must have ripped his ear, I thought.

Ten minutes past. I his whole time I had decided that his name was Mathew he was twenty-seven and he liked to play poker. Of course I know that I'm not right but I found it comforting to at least imagine that I wasn't in a dark, creepy room with a complete stranger who had been staring at me for the past ten minutes.

"Why are you staring at me?" I said to the man. His eye brow lifted and put his arms behind his head.

"Well because I find it very humouring and because I've spent the last two weeks trying to catch you but you always seem to be surrounded be people"

"I'm sorry?" I said, hesitating.

"No need to be" he said dismissing the apology "We got you eventually".

"What do you want with me mr...." I left the sentence hanging there waiting for him to say his name. He didn't.

"We have need of your extraordinary talents"

"What do you mean?"

"We have recently had someone arrive here" he stood up and started to pace as he explained "We found her on the side of the road in south Auckland. Bleed all over the foot path. Cuts and bullet wounds are scattered all over her body-" I cut him off.

"Wait! What do you mean 'are'? Is she still like that?!" My voice was now screeching at him. What an evil man he was just letting someone die! And not doing anything about it!

"Ah yes! Well you see that's where you come in Miss Smith" he stood right in front of me. " We want you to heal her" He looked straight into my eyes.

"Why?" I asked. Annoyance leaking into my voice.

"Because you will save her life" He said.

I moaned and stood up and let out a long sigh. I agreed to help the girl but only if I found out where I was and what his name was. He also agreed and took me to see the girl.

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