X: The Stranger

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Eren's POV:





His plethora of thoughts wandered aimlessly off. His eyes were fully open but no lights could be seen. It was total darkness. He reached out but nothing could be grasped. He tried speaking up but no words could formed out. He can't do anything. It was a never-ending void and he was alone. The helplessness was encroaching slowly towards him like a traitorous friend it is. His heart was hurting and he hugged himself out of despair.

"Eren.... Eren... Eren!!!"

Someone calls out to him. Then a bright flash blinded him like sunrays of the morning April. It was warm and full of love.

When the boy waked up he scanned the room with his mismatched eyes. The room was kinda scary but somehow felt comfortable. He eyed every corner wearily as if someone would jumped out of nowhere. It was a large room with a king sized black canopy bed, some Victorian furniture so with red and gold intricate designs. The floor was a shade of dark Gray and the walls are all black. It was one of those rooms in a vampire house depicted in horror movies, however he liked it. He moved the black heavy sheets out of the way and stood up. He went to the vanity mirror to the side and looked at his own reflection. Surprised filled his head as he saw himself at the mirror.

The angel he saw that time was there once more. She was looking straight to him and it looked like she was him. Instead of Eren's own reflection, the image of the beautiful brunette angel showed up. Her hazel eyes are as bright as the sun. Her hair was tied to the side and she had the same expression that Eren has. Astonishment.

"Ah! Carla what a perfect timing. You are now awake. Do you want me to show you around the kingdom while your in here?" A silk toned voice came from behind him. He was shocked at the intruder. "I'm sorry I scared you. Don't worry I won't harm you." he reassured the boy.

The brunet still seems to loosen up but still had a look of confusion. 'What is he talking about? I'm not Carla I'm Eren' as if he spoke that out loud, the man replied. "You are her reincarnation. Don't worry I won't push your memories to resurface." he smiled. Instantly he trusted his words like they are the only thing that keeps him sane from all the happenings.

Although he was battling internally on whether to ask for a new clothes or not, the man gave him a black shirt and some khaki pants from the wardrobe. While taking off the white robe like dress he looked carefully at the man, examining his features as if he was a killer. The man stands at 6'2, much taller than him, and he was well built for an old geezer. He reminded him of a certain asshole but he pushed away the thought. He already knew something was off to the guy.

When he finished dressing up he followed the guy without much complaint. They walked through the ear deafening silence along the dark hallways. Torches littered its walls yet the brightness wasn't enough. Eren covered his ears when an ear piercing screech reached his fragile ears. The.n the guy stood in front of him and so he didn't hear the sound anymore. "FATHERRRR!!!!" An all familiar voice said. The boy's ears twitched in fear upon hearing it. "Quickly hide behind me and don't move if I didn't tell you. Don't need to hold yer breath. I'll protect you." he said that made Eren relaxed a bit.

As soon as he hides, he saw the one that he always avoided ever since they met. His flaring silvery eyes caught gaze of those chocolate orbs. Eren doesn't know what to do, yet he trusted the words of the man he doesn't know. "What are you doing father? He's my prey!? Hand him over!" walls rumbled upon his roaring voice. "He's mine you said? Nothing is yours my poor son. Everything you have is mine remember?" his voice didn't raised and it came out more confident and as calm as he could be. "Fuck you and your damn laws. HE IS MINE!!!" Levi's sharpened claws aim for the head of the man he called his father. Eren crouched down in fear of getting wind up in the battle. Cold wind rushed like knives through Eren's side that droplets of blood flowed out freely, drenching the white dress he had. "CARLA!!!" the man uttered shock. The brunet flinches when Levi almost scooped him but in a matter of seconds, he was kicked to the nearest wall.

Eren wanted to scurry his way out of the ferocious battle but something was tying him down to the place. He can't afford to see Levi getting hurt. A twist in his heart told him to stay but he didn't know why? Levi slumped down lifelessly, blood dripping through his head. "Levi!!!" he cupped his mouth suddenly. Finding it hard to believe he said the name. The stranger's eyes fled to him, utterly astonished by the words he'd hear. Eren was still looking at Levi's now lifeless body. He thought Levi was dead. He wasn't moving, flinching or showing any signs that he's alive.

The man got closer to Eren, scooped him up to get him to bed. "Please my Carla sleep." his voice was gentle and his caramel eyes held kindness. Eren wanted to protest but his body wasn't following him. Instantly he fell asleep and succumb to the darkness once more.


A/N: Sorry for the long wait guys. I'll pause the story till I finished Omega Queen so please bear with me thank y'all. 🙏🙏

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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