VII- I Am Watching You

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After that terrible accident, the new student didn't go to school for 6 days. No one seems to notice, even the teachers. "Hey Eren, are you free today? Eren and Mikasa will go out at that cafe near the Mall. Let me know if you wanted to go. Bye take care." Armin yelled by the end of the hallway. It was lunch time and he was going to the library to spent the rest of his time with books. 'Silly bookworm' The brunet sighed deeply. Mikasa on the other hand was busy finishing her project with some of her classmates. Eren looked at the window glass and see his soggy face, it annoys him seeing his ugly face turns more uglier than before. Clutching the key beneath his chest, the boy felt safe and sound. "I guess I can go with them today. I'm off to work today so it only makes sense. Distraction. I need some of that these days." Eren gave another heavy sigh. When he turned around he bumped into someone. Eren looked up to see who it was. All colors drained from his face to see the culprit. (A/N: Yes. I'm making Levi-kun much taller. Haha haha deal with it.) His mischievous grin made the brunet irritated.

Taking a step back and making a defensive position,his guts screamed of the danger ahead. It twisted slightly in discomfort. "What are you doing here you demon?" Eren hissed. Glaring, just to intimidate him. "Ow! Kitty had some strong guts now huh!" he licked his lips. 'What the fuck! Is he a perverted pedophile or something? Disgusting!' "Oh my what a devious mind you have. Thinking bad to others. I like it! You should've been more feisty, that would be delicious." This time Eren heard him gulped lustfully.

"Stop doing that you pedophile pervert." The scared boy shouted, earning a curious stare at the lingering students at the hallways. "Me, pedophile? Is that your kink kid? Well brat I'm not a middle aged man so it will be wasted. However if you prefer young man like me I supposed we could go to my condo and rock my bed." he said, his voice seductive. Eren's face heats up and brightened a million shades of red. He didn't anticipated his comeback. This was embarrassing he thought. Eren could hear angry whispers of girls and boys whistling of mockery. "Damn you." The brunet ran as he heard him chuckled behind him. It would looked like that Eren confess to him but in reality he was escaping the deadly creature. 'Oh damn! This will be the newest gossip around the news. Eren Jeager confessed to the new student in town. Fuck this life!!!'


At the cafe

The three friends head straight after school to the cafe Armin mentioned awhile ago. They sit down near the corner beside the wall glass of the store. It was fantastic and the atmosphere was soothing. Everything was decorated in an anime style. It was an anime Eren recently watched, named Tokyo Ghoul.

But the most amazing thing in this cafe is, the staff are cosplaying them. There are two people that looked like Kaneki Ken, the one with the ghoul mask and the one with the black hair. Touka Chan is here too, and boy how Eren liked her. He stared at her dreamily as she walked to their sit. "Hi ma'am, sir, may I take your order?" she beamed at them. Her purple lens fits her perfectly, her other eye hides well beneath her bangs. She was a carbon copy of Touka-chan. "Ohooo.... Somebody is in love." Armin teased. "Hai...hai...*sighs* I like her. Do you know what it means that the anime girl you fantasized becomes alive. An illustration that becomes a real person. Armin, I think I'm in love." Eren uttered sweetly. "Hey. I thought you only love me, unfair." Mikasa whined. "Haven't I told you Mika, I love you as my sister. Seriously when will you stop that." Eren muttered but not angry. He know Mikasa had feelings for him but she also knew that he only love her as a family. "Hue... Hue... Dumb ass..." She rolled her eyes. Knowing her she would just sulk, after that she will happily harass the brunet like hell.

With a glimpse of black, Eren looked behind Armin. "The fuck!!!" he shouted, bolting upright slightly shaking their table. All eyes are now on them, Even grow small. Even quickly sat down and hide himself under his brown coat. "What is he doing here?" Eren mumbled. "What's going on Eren? Is something wrong?" the two both said. Tapping me on his shoulder with concern in their voices. "Nothing. I was just bitten by a spider." Eren's voice was but a whisper anymore. "Where Eren. May I see? Should we go to the hospital now?" Mikasa panicked. Sometimes Mikasa acts like his mom. "No. Nothing big. You know let's just wait for our orders." He slumped his head on the desk, feeling the weight of the stares that those nosy people giving them. As his head sunk on the table, Eren caught him smirking.

Just behind Armin, the ravenette demon clad in black and red, was sipping tea while mocking him with his fucking smirk. "Your order is here. Enjoy!" the cosplaying girl bowed before she leaves them. Eren's eyes are fixated on her as she assists other customers. Though he thought he heard a snarl behind him. "I am always watching you." Eren don't know if it's an echo, but it really felt like someone whispered. Looking at Armin and Mikasa, who chomped their strawberry cheesecakes, they were just normal. 'So they didn't hear that?' The brunet didn't dare to ask them it will only arise suspicion of him that he's going crazy. Eren looked at Touka once more before he saw him again. He was behind her with daggers pointed at her back. Eren wanted to scream but he couldn't. His hands and feet felt cold and he was frozen in place. 'Why is this happening? That demon is taking a habit of frozing people to their places.' He internally groaned as the demon slowly inched the blade to her. Then a customer passed by and he was gone. As in gone like the wind or a bubble bursted. "Pft... Eren you look like your going to shit." Mikasa chuckled. 'Oh! Here comes the bantering.' "Yeah. Are you going to? I have some tissues here." Armin asked, albeit Mikasa was just joking about it. Mikasa and Eren gave him a 'duh-look' before laughing their guts out. "Thanks buddy, this really made my day." Thanks to Armin and his innocence, Eren felt relieved now.

Eren ignored the other presence in the shop and focused on his friends. Well he doesn't need to worry, he have protection didn't he? As if that demon can touch him in a public place.

"Your ignorance is my bliss. However once I am done with my mission. I will hunt you down. For now, I will always watch you." There it goes again, the whispers. 'Try me demon.' Eren grinned at the thought. If he could hear his thoughts then the brunet will give him a fucking warning. One that will shake his ground upon hearing it.


A/N: I'm making this chapter real quick so I don't know if I have some typographical errors. I won't mind if you address me with it. Ahhrgg I'm starting to loose ideas for this one. Let me know if you have something else in mind and I will check on it if I can mixed it up. I still don't have an ending for this so it's difficult to configure events and setting. But I will end this story much sooner than the first one.

Don't forget to vote for this story as well as the other one. Thank you guys love y'all.

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