V- New Kid

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Eren's day started new and fresh. He does his usual routine and goes to the usual places like everyday of his life. Nothing new of course, it was a long boring cycle for his doomed life but he never gets sour. He wanted to stay positive no matter what.

Though ever since that day he felt restless. Sometimes he couldn't sleep or let's just say he can't sleep almost every night. The thought of the shadowy smirking figure has put him on the edge, making it visible with dark heavy circles in his eyes. His sun-kissed skin was loosing its vibrant glow, as if a vampire who is paler than a ghost.

So he decided to wear that little bronze key his parents stored away from him, he believe it will protect him as his parents told him in a letter. He found about the key two days ago after cleaning the whold house so he could sell it. Tucked with a letter dusted in bits of crumbled pieces of wood. It was stashed away in a cabinet near the washroom, folded in a white cloth that has some dust and cobwebs from being hidden years and years ago. However it was a mystery that the key didn't received any rust, the thing looks shiny and new. Eren believed it was magical so he hides it, away from suspicious people who might've wanted it. He also learned about his past, being an adopted son. All those time he believed he was the only son but he was wrong.

"Auggghhh......I'm going to be late. Damn it!" he cursed under his breathe. He bolted upright in his bed, throwing the sheets onto the floor. He rushed to his wardrobe and snatched a bright green shirt and a denim black jeans. Then after wearing his clothes he managed to come down without falling. Like a hurricane, he leaves the house in a mess.

30 minutes later

As he raced against time before the bell rings, he stopped sliding near his locker. Soon he realized he was the only one again at the hallway and the ear deafening silence was getting in his nerves. He shiver remembering what happened the last time the hallways vacated. He shuffled every items inside, the books, his pens, stuffs. In a hurry, he forgotten what book to bring with him, so instead he brought all his books in an attempt to escape the scary corridor.

'Eren~💓 I'll be coming. Soon that soul of yours will be mine.'

A dark eerie voice whispered in the walls of the building. Followed by a menacing spine chilling laugh that almost sounded like Hell itself. Speeding up, Eren didn't care looking back and instead double his pace by taking two steps ahead. He soon reached class and looked at the golden wristwatch he just took out of his bag, placing it in his right arm. The clock reads 8:05 as he shifted from his seat. He sighed of relief. He came to class 10 minutes before the bell rings. After fiddling with his notebook and pen he caught the sight of his English teacher as he entered the room.

Eren slouched back in his seat as the teacher fixed the books on the desk. Giving the books a loud thump as it came in contact with the wooden yellow desk, all that will be used for today's topic. Eren was glad he took all of the books in his locker. Yet he will soon regret it later when the agitating pain would soon attack his sore shoulders, mainly because of all the 8 books that are hard covered and as thick as an ancient text that you will see only in Greek libraries or museums. Eren looked down batting his eyes, imagining the aftermath of his paranoia.

"Class before we start I would like you to meet your new classmate. He just made it to our 2nd quarter so be nice and give him any assistance that he will need. Please enter Mr. Ackerman." The brunet didn't give a shit about who was to come. He looked outside the window as he propped his head on the desk with his left arm. The whispers before whoever came turned into shrill screams of excitement of female teens that made Eren intrigued and annoyed at the same time. Only to his surprise he would see a face that looks familiar yet he can't muster the memory of who really it was. As the new student made his way to the front, all eyes on him, girls still shrieked, giggled and chuckled like stupid highschool girls. 'Seriously, we're in college now. Do they need to be scolded just to get maturity?' He rolled his eyes in annoyance. The boys went silent as the new intruder intimidated them to their bones.

His pale ghostly skin that glows vibrantly under the early sun. His steel grey eyes that stared into the deepest of your mind. His raven smooth hair falls straight with some loose bangs as it was shaped into an undercut. His cheeks were a bit accented and his form, well built and toned. He was like a perfect being, one you would usually seen on movies or stories that depicts Prince Charming. However under his skin, a dark terrifying predator was lying in wait for any prey that would dare to step on his territory. A beast hiding in the skin of humans like the story of the Wolf that wears the skin of a Sheep, Eren trembled at his seat. He knew this person but couldn't make it out of his head. As the man speak Eren was caught in a very dangerous staring contest.

"Nice to meet you everyone. I'm Levi Ackerman and I'm here to take your souls." With a wink, his words were scary than a sly devil. A playful hint was on his tone for everyone to hear yet to Eren's ears it spelled out of his imminent death. Eren tensed more if he could actually do that anymore, when he's all frightened at the presence of the unknown student. No. He wasn't unknown anymore as he announced a terrible threat that was about to come. And he made sure Eren got the message as clear as the morning dew. For whatever mystery lies in wait, Eren was sure that he needed to stay out of it. Whether curious or not.

The ravenette made his way to an empty seat next to Eren at his left side. He eyed the guy warily as he seated beside him. His hair raised as goosebumps made it towards him. He was shaking like crazy. The sensation of death at the hallways soon returned in an instant. What Eren didn't expect was that the guy leaned at his side and whisper. That moment went frozen as if the world stopped moving. The silence was again dawning at him not after what the guy had whispered towards him.

"Eren I had found you. You'll soon be mine~💓" A deep chuckled escape the faint pink lips of the stranger. Eren stopped shaking as the darkness enveloped him like a dearest friend. The sound of the man's laugh echoed again and again in his head.


A/N: It's another boring chapter hehehehehehe..... Also let me know what you think of this sloppy story. I think it's getting boring but hey who likes it slow and mystery aye? I'll be now working on the 5 chapters I promised. See you soon guys bye.

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