Genesis *

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In the beginning, there were cures; an age of medicine, an age of immortality. Once the cures for cancer, heart diseases, strokes, AIDS and bacterial infections were discovered, mortality decreased. Eliminating many of the main killers had regenerated life on Earth.

However, there is no greatness without a weakness, and there was a thorn, a blind spot: over-population. Soon, mothers were forced to give up their children and parents were refused the right to birth a child. But these rules and practises did not stop the leap in global population.

The spread of human beings required shelter, resources which created pollution and mining overload. Leeching the Eath of it's natural beauty in order to form sustainable societies.

This resulted in the destabilisation of the Earth's iron fields, created faults in the atmospheric layer and life crumbled to dust, literally.

However, there was salvation. An advancement in technology saved millions. A highly advanced fabric-like feild nicknamed "the Net". It was a supercharged almost mesh-like structure that absorbed and allowed the entry of nessescary amounts of radiation from the sun. It performed a better than the natural atmosphere layer did. However, due to the technology only being a prototype, it didn't last forever, and a high percentage of the human race frolicked in the time that they were granted.

But there were some who took the time they had left and built great ships that transported them far into space, away from the devastation, away from all the death and suffering.

Away from the End of The World.

This part has been edited as of 02.12.14

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