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James was like air. Light, and fluid, suave, and as vital as the oxygen in your lungs. He was playful and lighthearted, often teasing and mischievous. He could fit in easily, flowing around people and flitting from group to group. He was the one who rolled with the punches, the one who was breezy and go-as-you-please.

But when a storm was coming, you knew. The playful breezes could easily change into gales that would snatch the breath from your mouth. As gentle and harmless as he seemed most days, you had to be wary- a gentle wind could turn into a tornado that destroyed everything in it's path.

Sirius was fire. He was the warmth, the light, the heat, the passion. He was comfortable and familiar. He needed James like he needed to breathe. He was casual touches and cozy evenings. His energy kept the chill at bay on the cold days and let up the darkest nights.

He had the quickest temper and the hottest remarks, the worst impulse control and the most passion. He burned quick and bright, and when he burned, he could raze entire forests and leave nothing but ash in his wake. A comfortable warmth could quickly become a burn.

Remus was water. On the surface, he seemed still, simple. He could put out Sirius' flames easier than anyone else could, prevent them from starting, even. He seemed removed, calm, serene. And he was far deeper than it appeared at surface level. It was easy for him to drown in himself.

His depths were dark and dangerous, and he didn't like anybody to see them. When the storms came, his waves swelled high and tall and furious, and they took no prisoners. Tornadoes could be weathered. Fires could be put out. But no one was stupid enough to swim in a raging sea.

Peter was earth. Solid, dependable. Remus' storms could scarcely shake him, and James' tornadoes and Sirius' fires could do little to get rid of him. He was the constant, the one who did not storm or burn. He was unchanging, ever the same old Peter.

Except he wasn't. He changed very slowly, and once he had changed, there was no going back.

And his earthquakes shook the very foundations of their world.

credit: marauders-guide-to-hogwarts

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