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-The first time Sirius met a boggart, he was eight and he was helping Regulus and Kreacher clean out the attic. He opened an old, dusty trunk that likely hadn't seen the light of day for generations, and out stepped his mother. Sirius didn't understand what was going on, because he had just seen her downstairs with his father, and why would she be hiding in a trunk, anyways? She bore down on him and Regulus, and when Regulus screamed for someone to make it stop, Kreacher took it as an order. Sirius didn't understand that afternoon until years later, when they learned about boggarts in third year DADA.
-It wasn't until their sixth year, in post-OWL DADA, that Sirius faced a boggart again. This time, he was faced not with his mother, but with his little brother. Sirius and Regulus looked so similar that most people couldn't tell them apart, so when a young, grey-eyed boy with rumpled hair and haunted eyes appeared holding out a dark-marked arm, everyone in the room thought Sirius was afraid of joining Voldemort. In reality, he was petrified that he was already loosing his little brother. No one else saw the bruises on boggart-Regulus' face and throat. He couldn't manage to cast the boggart-banishing charm; after all, what could make his abused, scared, haunted little brother's face funny?
-Sirius ran into a boggart again shortly after graduating while on an Order mission. This time, he was met with the bodies of his friends, and blood. So much blood. Peter and Remus and James, all dying, moaning, crying out to him for help. Sirius again couldn't manage the spell- he was too busy starring at James' glassy eyes.
-Sirius didn't have to face a boggart again until after azkaban, during the events of GOF. This time, he saw Harry, all that he had left of his best friend, bleeding out. Sirius still couldn't best the boggart- after a lifetime of living in fear, he simply didn't know how to banish it.


-In sixth-year DADA, when Remus faced his boggart for the first time, it had nothing to do with the moon. In fact, he instead saw James, Sirius, and Peter jeering at him. Remus cast riddikulus easily, and he found himself in the picture, laughing with his friends. While he seemed to handle that boggart with ease, the feeling of isolation that it brought hung over him like a dark cloud for weeks.
-Remus faced his boggart for the second time shortly after seventh year, when one settled into his father's wardrobe. He and the other marauders had just been invited to join the Order, and this time he saw Sirius' body, eagle-splayed on the floor. He tried to use riddikulus, and it was replaced by Peter's, then then Lily's, then James'. When Remus finally managed to cast the charm properly, James' body sat up, laughing at having tricked everyone into thinking him dead.
-The third time was after the Potters had gone into hiding.This time, Remus was faced with himself, branded with a dark mark, having betrayed his best friends. Remus didn't know how to make that funny, and he had to get Peter to come banish the boggart for him.
-It wasn't until after the Potters were dead, Peter, was dead, and Sirius was in azkaban, not until Remus had lost everything he was afraid of loosing, that his boggart became the moon.

A/N: so I'm stoping this book at fifty. I just got bored with it and nobody even reads it, so what's the point? I might start writing an original, or not. I don't know yet. I'll see how it plays out. I mean I would love to write a marauders book, I'm just afraid I won't be able to get the characteristics right and the book itself would be poorly written. A lot of insecurities ahah

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