Fuck Off, Lorenzo Rey

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I can't breathe. My lungs feel like there was this pressure that was dying to escape. My throat isn't any better. I've felt like I've been screaming all my life. There was this burning feeling inside that it's making my throat feel raw. I kept gasping as I clawed my throat when I feel the burning intensified. My eyes started to water as I started to choke. I couldn't bare the pain. I collapsed on my knees and started to hyperventilate.

"Let go, Sam," I heard a demonic voice say in the shadows. "Just let go. It will makes things better."

I ignored the voice as I closed my eyes. My chest started to feel the burning pain. I wrapped my hand around my throat as I looked around for help.

"Alec!" I yelled. I didn't get an answer. "Clary! Izzy! Jace!"

The pain increased the more I yelled. I felt my throat being scratched. My mouth flew open as I started to gag. Nothing was coming out.

"Alec! Izzy! Jace!" I cried again. I kept screaming for help but no one was coming. Then, there was this maniacal laughter. I squinted my eyes as I see a dark figure coming out of the shadows. My eyes widen when I realize that it was Stark, in dragon form.

"You're just wasting your time, Sam," his demonic voice said.  "No one is coming after you. No one is coming to help you."

"No," I breathed. "You're not here." I closed my eyes and gripped my head while shaking it. "You're not here. You're not here. No, no, no. You're not here."

"Not here?" he laughed. "Of course, I'm here. You're the one who wants me here."

I kept shaking my head. I shut my eyes even tighter that I'm felt like I ripped the eyelids off. "Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Get out of my head!"

I heard this hissing sound. I felt something wrap around my throat, making me open my eyes. Stark lifted me up with his tail before he slammed me to a wall. His bright green eye were staring right into mine.

"Face the facts, Sam. This is real! Whether you like it or not, you're in your transition," Stark said. "Soon enough you'll be just like me." He laughed as he reverted back to his human form. Instead of his tail, it was his hand that was wrapped around my throat. He smirked as he tightened his hold, making me gasp for more air. "Then you can kill everyone you love."

"No," I choked out.

I kept shaking my head as Stark kept listing off name. "Izzy. Clary."




"Magnus. Jace."

Stark smirked as he trailed off the final name. "Alec."

I glared at him while my eyes started to glow. "I said stop!" The burning pain intensified. My mouth opened. This bright light came out of me before this flame shot out and hit Stark. His body flew across the room. The pain in my throat stopped as I glared at him. "I don't wanna be like you. I'm will not be like you."

"Is that what you think?" Stark smirked as he slowly got up. "Cause I think the exact opposite. I think you're going to be just like me." He slowly stalked towards me. "Powerful. Irresistible."

I pulled out my seraph and pointed it at him. "Stay back."

"You're already sexy. You can also be fearless. Be a real killing machine."

"I said stay back."

Stark tilted his head to the side as his pace increased. "How long do you think it'll last until your friends decide to kill you?"

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