I'm Engaged

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I kept pacing around my room. I can't believe this is happening. Alec and I only got engaged two weeks ago, and now we're just telling our friends and family. Alec's handling Jace, Magnus, and Luke while I got Izzy and Clary. By the angel, I've never been so nervous in my life.

I had to hide the ring. I couldn't let anyone else see it until we told them. This is big news. Very very big news. Besides the fact that Alec and I slept together, but Izzy already knew. She found me walking towards my room in Alec's shirt because mine was ripped. If she looked like a kid in a candy store when she saw me, wait till she finds out about the engagement.

I heard a knock on my door, which brought me out of my thoughts. You can do this, Sam. We stopped Valentine. Killed Sebastian and Stark. I can handle two girls.

I told them to enter. Izzy and Clary came into my room looking confused.

"We got your message," Clary started. "What did you want to talk to us about?"

Ok, here I go. I sighed before I motioned them to take a seat. Izzy exchanged a confused glance with Clary before settling down on my bed.

I started to pace. "Ok, I'm just going to come say this. You guys know that these past few months have been nothing but complete chaos?"

Izzy furrowed her eyebrows. "They have, but everything's back to normal since Valentine's gone."

"Right. And with everything bad that's happened, something good came out of it."

Izzy squirted her eyes at me before she gasped with a smile. "Oh, my god. Are you pregnant?"

My eyes widen. "What?"

She kept going. "A few days with my brother and he impregnates you."

Then Clary's eyes went wide. "Wait, you and Alec had sex?"

"Yes, but that's not what -"

She cut me off and looked at Izzy. "Was that why Alec was in a good mood?"

Izzy nodded with a grin. "He had a little hop on his step. You should have seen Sam when I saw her walking to her room with only his shirt."

I waved my hands around. "Guys -"

Clary still talked. "In just his shirt?" She sighed. "I should have put two and two together when I found Sam's un -"

I snapped my fingers. "Guys! I'm not pregnant. That's not why I called you here." I sighed before pinching the bridge of my nose. "It's about Alec and me."

Izzy looked concerned. "What about you and Alec? You guys didn't break up, did you?"

I shook my head. "No. Things between me and Alec are great. In fact..." I looked towards the ground with a little smile on my face. I took the ring out of my pocket and slid it on my finger before showing them it. "We're engaged."

"Oh, my god," they breathed.

Suddenly, they jumped from my bed with a little squeal before they tackled me in a hug. I had to stumble back from their force.

"We're so proud of you," Izzy said. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this day."

Clary nodded. "That's great, Sam. You guys deserve each other."

They pulled away and I could see the gears running though Izzy's head. "They do. I'm already planning everything. For the cake, do you want lemon or red velvet?"

I chuckled. "Hold on, Iz. We still need to talk to Alec about it."

Izzy smiled again before she pulled me in for another hug. "I'm just...so happy for you."

"We both are," Clary added. She came over and wrapped her arm around us. "This calls for a celebration. How about...girls night out at Pandemonium?"

I smiled. "Let's go."

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