32. Pain

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I raced up the stairs and onto the balcony, my breath rushing out of me as the door opened. My jaw wobbled in fear, the chance that Orion captured me an ever present thought. I pressed myself against the bookshelf and crouched, listening as at least 3 people entered the room. I listened to a specific set of footfalls, loud and slow, calculating. His heart beat steadily, the noise as loud as mine in my own ears.

"I can feel your magic Regina, hiding from me is a waste of time!" Orion's deep baritone slammed into me, taking my breath away. He could feel my magic, but I could also feel him. Malevolent power, like a tangible shadow.

I heard him move, becoming visible as he stepped out from beneath me. I glanced at the painting as 2 men followed him, looking around. I licked my lips nervously, trying to decide if I could make it to the alcove without them seeing me.

"Ahh, there you are." I'd barely had a chance to look back at him before I saw his hand go up, his fingers twitching. I leapt out of the way milliseconds before the bookshelf exploded, sending debris across and over the balustrade.

I didn't bother glancing back, just bolted for the painting. Orion chuckled as I wheezed out a breath, panicking as I stared at the original coven in confusion. The ancient witch's shoes tapped loudly on the floor, booming as he grew closer to the stairs. He was deliberately going slow, savoring the chase. Like a true predator, he stalked me, played with his food.

He stepped onto the first stair, drumming his nails on the iron rail. I stared at the woman in the centre of the circle, the crown atop her head, her arms raised. I glanced at my hand, not knowing what to do. Orion grew closer, his white hair becoming visible through the spiral staircase.

I closed my eyes and drew in a breath, calling upon Reena's magic. My arm tingled with warmth, and while keeping an eye on the evil demon, I plunged my hand into the painting. The canvas didn't rip, just gently rippled as I stared in surprise.

Shoulder deep, I stood on my tip toes, blindly reaching around. My heart dropped as Orion stepped onto the landing, grinning maliciously. His incisors were pointed slightly, almost like a vampires.

My hand touched cool metal, sharp in parts. My body jerked as the dark magic caressed my skin, whispering to me.

Orion frowned, his head cocked to one side in curiosity. He had no idea what I was doing, and I planned to keep it that way.

"Subtraxerim utilium." I whispered the spell, feeling the crown shrink until it was the size of a ring. I pulled my hand out and turned to fully face Orion in his green uniform, slightly different with gold ascents, to separate him from his commoners.

I clenched my teeth as I heard a vampire jump onto the balcony behind me, and turned to gauge the distance. Stood between them, I realized that my only chance of getting away was to go through the sanctuary.

Orion raised his hands, his eyes rolling back as he began to mutter in a language I'd never heard. I choked, my free hand going to my neck as it felt like the air was physically being ripped from my lungs. I couldn't fight his magic, my own failing me in my time of need.

I scrambled, my head beginning to pound as the vampire shuffled toward me. I reached for the shelves as I started to fall, my legs giving out. Orion grew louder, the smirk in his voice audible. My vision swam black as I grunted, frantically feeling the spines of the books. It felt like years before I found the only one without lettering, and ripped it from the shelf desperately.

I fell backwards into the sanctuary as the hidden door swung open, freeing me from Orion's magical grip. As the vampire rushed toward me and the bastard witch growled angrily, I slammed the door with my foot.

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