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Tickling sensations travelled around my right hand, making me cringe and pull away. My skin was warm, over heating against a soft heat source. I groaned, shuffling against the fabric underneath me. I heard voices, distant and muddled.

I blinked, my head pounded as I sat up. I stared around the room, my eyes adjusting to the low light of the library. I rubbed my eyes and ran my fingers through my hair, trying to message away the ache.

Someone shifted on the couch next to me, bringing my attention to Finian. His eyebrows were raised as he watched me, my cheeks flushing as I realized he had been the comfortable warmth I'd been laying on.

I quickly looked away, taking in the other people in the room. Anna and Valerie were squished together on the couch next to us, Maddy standing in front of me with a bloodied rag. Alexeron and Mathias sat opposite to us, Celeste in a singular chair closest to the fire place. A few others stood around, Finian's Beta, the witch from the first dinner.

"What happened?" I asked, blinking up at Maddy. She wearily glanced at Anna, her chocolate eyes wide as she nibbled on her bottom lip.

"The park? All the crows?" My eyes widened as I remembered, my hand instinctively raising to rub my ear. I swallowed, the sweet tang of blood still trapped in my mouth. I glanced at the rag in the red head's hand, before looking at my own. The right was nearly clean, the left still colored red.

"What was that all about? Do we know?" I fell back against the couch, leaving a gap between my mate and I.

The curtains were drawn over the wall of glass, the fire down to burning coals. Candelabras lit the room, the corners dark where the light couldn't reach. It was obviously nighttime.

"It was dark magic, someone's familiar. Witch's can physically conjure an animal they are connected with, can use their senses like their own. We think it was Orion or one of his followers, sending us a message. They know where you are, and they wanted to make it obvious. Because of your overly sensitive hearing the sound was amplified and burst your eardrums and blood vessels in your eyes, nose and mouth." Anna announced, wringing her hands nervously. I watched Anna turn and sit down in the single seat next to me, whispering one for sorrow. The counting rhyme she'd told me, the lone crow perched high on a roof.

"Do you think he'll try to attack?" Finian asked, looking between the group. My blond friend shrugged, sharing a look with Valerie.

"We need to figure out this prophecy, before it's too late." The Queen announced, her voice hard. She was furious, her face pinched into a scowl. Her own family was at risk now, as well as the crown on her head. I was reminded of what Mathias had said the other day and turned to look at him, his head low trying to disguise the fact he was staring at the oblivious Madeline. His mouth was pulled up slightly, an almost missable little smirk. I grinned as my stomach fluttered, trying to resist the urge to smack the petite girl.

I heard a low growl and turned to Finian, his eyes ablaze as he glared at me. He must have assumed I was checking the pureblood out. I glared back, my cracked gaze appearing. The temperature rose as his anger grew, trying to keep his wolf at bay.

"Get a room." I whipped around, Anna's lips tucked into her mouth in an attempt not to grin. I huffed and pushed myself harder into the arm of the couch, my fist supporting my head. The Alpha did the same, his huge frame awkwardly tucked inward, his legs pressed together. I shook my head in frustration, silently mocking him.

"First thing tomorrow I want all us back here to work on the prophecy." Alexeron growled, standing and holding his hand out to his wife. She followed after him, grumbling slightly. Everyone cleared out, until only Anna, Maddy, my mate and I were left. I twisted toward him, my arms folded over my chest.

The Queen Of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now