1.Fresh rain and cut grass

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I stared at the chart on the kitchen wall. We were almost out of food, which meant one of us had to go into town to get supplies. I groaned, pulling out my phone and sending a text to mom.

Can you pls stop at the store and buy some food?

My stomach growled, making me more upset. I needed food. I opened the cupboards, staring up at the home brand cereals and tinned food, before grimacing and going to the next option, the fridge. Off milk, moldy cheese and... A jar of pickles! Jackpot.

I shoved a bunch in my mouth, before picking up my phone as it buzzed with a text.

Sorry sweetie, I left my card at home 😞, how bout you go to the store and I'll pick you up on my way home?

I blatantly stared at my phone, scoffing. Of course she left it at home, she knew we needed food. I angrily slammed the pickles down onto the bench, nearly smashing the jar.

I reluctantly agreed, seeing as she finished in just under an hour, and yanked on my shoes and coat and grabbed her card, before slamming the door and starting my descent down the mountain.


As summer started, all the snow melted;bringing the temperature up in and around the cabin. But being up so high still caused it to be colder then usual, which made my journey slightly more difficult, especially considering the rough terrain I had to maneuver through.

After 30 minutes of solid walking and slipping, the ground turned into a mostly flat surface, signalling the edge of the town.

I pulled my coat tighter around me, looking around, observing my surroundings. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. No foreign sights or scents, no screaming people or wandering eyes. Just quietness, which wasn't very surprising. Once summer break arrived, the town basically cleared out. I was gonna miss this once school started again.

I cleared the tree line and started walking to the store, which was on this side of town but sadly still close to the center. After a few minutes it got too hot to wear my coat, so I wrapped it around my waist.

The closer I got to my intended destination, the more suspicious I became. Before I believed it was so quiet because hardly anyone was here, but now I wasn't so sure. It was just... Eerie.

I made it to the store in one piece, and started pushing around my shopping cart, putting in the priorities before wants, until I got to the deli section. The girl who served me looked about my age, maybe older since I hadn't seen her in school. I ordered a few pounds of bacon, and as she went to wrap it, I smelt it.

It wasn't an overly displeasing scent, just one that was distinct. It smelt of fresh rain and cut grass, with an undertone of malice, smelling like blood. I was on edge immediately.

The bell on the door was ringing, warning me that he or she or it or them was now in the store, and if I could smell them, they'd smell me soon.

Without a thought I jumped the counter to the deli, kicking my cart away so it wouldn't lead them here, before finding the girl.

"Hey! you're not supposed-" She started before I cut her off, shooshing her.

"I know I'm not allowed to be back here, but my crazy stalker of an ex boyfriend just walked in and he's friends with some really bad people, and I'm really scared, is there anywhere I can hide?"

She didn't even hesitate to lead me to the back, pulling open a heavy metal door which lead to a freezer.

"You'll be safe in here." She ushered me inside, before closing the door. As soon as I was inside I couldn't smell them anymore, which I hoped meant they were the same with me.

I could hear distant male voices, then the girl's, before more male voices, then nothing. A few minutes later she opened the door.

"They're gone." I thanked her and before she could ask any questions, took off, making sure to grab the bacon.


Half an hour later, I was done retelling my mom what happened. Obviously, she took it worse then I did and went into over protective mode. I was now on house arrest for the next 2 weeks straight, which was the whole remainder of summer break.

Obviously I had argued, but she had a very valid point. It's not like you have anywhere to go. Wow, thanks mom, I really appreciate it.

She didn't quite understand how it felt. After my accident, the whole entire town found out what had happened that night. I was ridiculed and bullied, believed to have gone crazy and killed those two men. I was labeled a teenage murderer, and mom nearly lost her job because of it. But I lost everything. My friends, my home, my education, my teenage years.

I still went to school, but because of the constant prejudice against me, I wasn't able to learn anything. Even the teachers treated me badly. I was forced to grow up quicker, all because I was now different. All because if something I had no control over.

Later that night, as I lay awake in bed, battling my insomnia and my constant worries, I heard it.

A lone howl. A wolf's, soon followed by more. It was far off into the distance, but I fell asleep to the symphony of animalistic growls.

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