See You Soon

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"Who the fuck you think you are barging in here?!" Rocco spat slamming his phone down.

"I'm the wrong guy to fuck with, that's who I am!" Brian yelled.

Hearing the commotion a couple security guards stormed in, "Everything alright boss?" One of them called out.

Rocco thought for a second then smirked, "Yeah we're good. Mr. Quinn here is just trying to throw his weight around. You can leave us." He waved them off. Once they were alone he looked back to Brian. "Guessing you're here about Skylar? You can understand that she is one of the best I have so as a business man I made her a deal to stay. Now it takes a very secure man to be with a woman..."

"Don't even try it!" Brian interrupted. "You call yourself a business man?! You fucking blackmailed her. You found her weaknesses and took advantage of them!"

"She's lucky that's all I did. With all the footage I have you both could be going to jail for prostitution." Rocco said smugly as he hit a couple buttons on his laptop then turned the TV monitor on behind him.

Looking up at the screen Brian was smacked right in the face with images of him and Skylar in the middle of a pretty intense looking 69 position in one of the private rooms. He knew Skylar said he had footage but part of him was hoping it wasn't as clear this video appeared to be. You could unfortunately tell it was the two of them. The last thing he wanted was for Rocco to feel like he had the upper hand in this situation so he kept his expression stone cold.

Then he had a better idea, this asshole clearly liked mind games so Brian decided to try and beat him at his own game. "It must kill you seeing this, huh?" He smirked.

"You seem pretty cocky for a guy that I literally have tape after tape of." Rocco countered.

"And I bet you wish this was you. Must piss you off, hot little thing like Skylar not giving you the time of day? What's the suit you're wearing cost?" Brian asked reaching over the desk flicking the collar of Rocco's suit jacket. "600 700 bucks?" The annoyed face Rocco was displaying told Brian he was getting under his skin, "It fucking eats you alive that she would rather an older guy like me and isn't impressed by your bullshit."

Rocco slammed his fist on the desk as he jumped up from his seat. He came across the other side and stood nose to nose with Brian. "You got a lot of balls. I have your fucking career in my hands!"

Brian straightened his posture glaring Rocco directly in the eyes. To get under his skin he smiled, "You got shit. You release these tapes to anyone your business is gonna be investigated in ten seconds."

"And what about your precious girlfriend's reputation, we both know how devastated she would be if her friends and family found out what a little whore she really is." Rocco said.

That was enough for Brian. He reacted before he could stop himself. His fist flew through the air and connected right with Rocco's jaw. It wasn't the hardest punch he could throw, just a warning one. "Another word about my girl and I will break your fucking face." Brian could tell by this guy's expression he had scared him to the bone. "And if you open your mouth to anyone, I know so many people in this city, I will have every possible inspection known to man done on this shithole. I can make your life both professionally and personally a living fucking hell!" He growled grabbing him by the collar and throwing him against his filing cabinet.

"I want Skylar's last check NOW." Brian snarled, "Better find another it girl because she won't be returning, do I make myself clear?"

Rocco straightened himself trying to seem unfazed but truth was in his entire life he had never been threatened like this. Brian was silent but his stare spoke volumes. As Rocco fiddled with his safe Brian's eyes were burning a hole right through him.

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