We Are Done...

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Gatto: Hey man, not gonna be able to make it tonight. Milana is sick with a stomach bug and I don't wanna leave Bessy to take care of her by herself. Really sorry.

Q: It's okay dude, I understand. Take care of your family. Talk to you tomorrow.

Brian put his phone on the table in the green room he and Bryan Johnson were in. They were doing a live show of their podcast Space Monkeys and Joe was supposed to be a guest. "Gatto's not gonna make it tonight. His daughter's sick." He told Johnson when he walked in the room.

"She okay?" Johnson asked concerned.

Brian nodded his head, "Yeah think it's just that stomach bug going around.

"Alright we will be fine just the two of us." He answered, "I'm meeting some friends for dinner before the show, you coming?" He asked Q.

"Nah, I'm good, thanks though. I got some stuff going on in my head, just gonna chill with a beer by myself." He responded.

Johnson opened his mouth to say something then quickly shut it. He had known his friend long enough to just leave certain things alone. This girl he had brought by the store a few months back was still on his mind heavily.

Q cracked open a beer and laid his head back on the couch as his brain started drifting to Skylar. It had been well over a month since Christmas and he had completely stopped all physical contact with her. The way Joe had looked at him that night at his house gave him the feeling that he knew something. Skylar seemed to understand so now they were just friends. He still saw her at work and would send an occasional text but as far as anything else he didn't want to risk Joe finally piecing it together.

After another beer he strolled through his phone looking for someone to possibly hook up with after the show. He had resumed back to his normal antics of meaningless girl after girl but every time was always the same, they didn't make him feel like she made him feel. He took a few more sips and then muttered out loud, "Oh fuck it!" to the empty room. Q scrolled through his phone again and hit the one name he was most eager to see.

Q: Hey stranger, what you up to tonight?"

Skylar was just leaving the library when her phone buzzed. She wasn't too surprised to see who it was from, every now and then she would still get a text from Q but it was always just a simple text saying hi or about work. She took a seat on a bench outside to reply.

Skylar: Hey yourself, just leaving my study group. You?

Q: Study group on a Saturday night, you sure know how to live wildly!

Skylar: You know me lol!

Q: If you're looking for something to do tonight, Bry and I are recording for our podcast. You should come by.

Skylar: Didn't I hear Joe talk about going to that?

Q: Not anymore, he can't make it. Come on please, I miss just hanging out with you.

Skylar: Sounds fun, on my way.


Skylar made her way to the backstage area as Q had instructed. He had told security she was coming and to just show an ID and they would show her the green room. Bry had asked him to come down the street quickly to meet his friend's sisters who were huge fans of Impractical Jokers. He told her it wouldn't take long and to just wait back there for him and help herself to any food or drinks she wanted.

She finished one of Q's beers and decided to freshen up her makeup while she waited for him. As she touched up her lipstick she couldn't help but wonder why she was here. She had been working so hard to avoid Q. Even though she would never forget what he did for her when he paid of her parents' lake house, Q insisted to not talk about it. It was something nice he just wanted to do for her and it was already decided mutually to end whatever it was that they had between them.

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