Chapter Fifteen

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The police officer drops me off on campus around 10:00. Ms. Simons is livid when she saw me show up with an officer behind me. "Do you know how much trouble you're in right now?" she rages.

I raise my head so that my eyes could see hers clearly. She stumbles back. "I understand." Her eyes are wide, fearful. I turn on my heel and start heading back to the middle school buildings. "If you need me, I'll be in my dorm."

The whole campus is quiet around me. The only sound present is the click of my boots as I stride. I don't drop my head once as I make my way the building. I grab my pendant and rip it off, clutching it in my hand as I enter through the building's doors. There's a girl trying open up her door. As I bound toward her direction, she swiftly moves out of the way when she sees me. Strange.

I ride the elevator to the third floor and return to my room. I walk over to the bathroom and look in the mirror. That's when I see it. When I see what Ms. Simons and that girl were afraid of. My golden eyes were flickering with rage and determination.

Something changed in me during the car ride back here. I remember I was grieving, but then, the words Audrey spoke to me clicked, and my grief turned into determination. I unfurl my hands and study the ruby necklace in my palm. This is the first time I've ever stared at it with fury. I'll always value it. The gift Luke bought for me before he died, but I can't rely on it anymore. This necklace was holding me back for a long time. I always hated confrontation and stressful situations, and I did my best to avoid those things at all cost. It got to the point where I would only rely on others to fight my battles for me, but I'm tired of being the one who doesn't pull their weight. Audrey comforted me and Sam protected me, but I no longer have either of them. I look up and stare at myself in the mirror. The flames that dance in my eyes are unending and hungry. From now on, I will fight my own battles and be the one who others can look upon and acknowledge.

I walk into my room and place the red pendant in my jewelry box. The object that kept me shackled finally gone. It's time for me to face what I have been running away from for years. It's time for me to face the people who have hurt me and stand against them, and it's time for me to live not only for Luke, but Audrey and Sam. I huff. It'll take some time for me to become accustomed to this new life without them, but I'll do it. I'll make them all proud of me from wherever they're watching. If they want to see a light in a sea of darkness, then I'll give it to them.

A knock sounds from the front door. I rise from the floor of my room and walk over to it. Slowly, I crack open the door to see who's behind it. To my surprise, the principal is standing there, his face rigid. Mr. Pritchett rarely comes out in public, so the fact that he would come here is a surprise.

"Camille Belland," he says, his voice rough. I pretend to make my face look somber like I didn't already know what he was going to tell me. "I was informed that you tried to see your roommate in the hospital, but was escorted back here by the police." I tilt my head down, pretending to be embarrassed at my behavior. "I regret to inform you that Audrey McCallister died on the operating table." I wince, which wasn't an act. Though I had the chance to say goodbye, I'll still miss her. "We'll overlook this incident because of what happened tonight, but don't let your emotions get the best of you again."

"I understand sir," I reply. He turns around to leave, but I have one more thing I need to ask before he leaves. "Sir," I call out. He stops and faces me. "Have you heard anything about Sam Evans?"

He shakes his head. "I heard he was one of the students in the park at the time, but when I asked about him, the officers who I talked to only said he is missing." I sigh and the principal continues on his way down the hall.

I close the door and walk over to the couch. I glance at the diamond ring on my left hand and smile. It's glint reminding me of the night we got them. I bought the rings as a sign of our connection and friendship, which will always hold strong. If Sam is still out there alive, I hope that he has his silver ring on to remind himself that we are still connected.

I lay down on the couch studying the ring, a smile on my face as I remember my dear friends. They have changed me and helped me to find my true identity, and for that I am forever thankful. I am Camille Belland, I am strong, and I refuse to fall apart at the hands of my enemies. 

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