Chapter Ten

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It's nearly 8:00. The sky has gotten dark. I slip on my white pants and strap on white sandals. Looking in the mirror, I adjust my crop top and make sure everything looks fine. Audrey wasn't kidding when she said I would look good in this outfit. I put the final touches on my makeup and hair.

When I'm done I saunter out into the hall and knock on Audrey's door. "Are you ready?"

Her door opens with a groan and I feel my eyes go wide as I take in her outfit. She looks gorgeous. A red skirt hugs her waist. She's wearing a black crop top and has black tights underneath her skirt. Her dirty blonde hair is pulled into a high ponytail. If that isn't enough, she's wearing makeup for once. Audrey almost never wears makeup, so seeing her facial features become even more defined surprises me.

"And I thought I looked good," I comment.

She twirls and winks at me. "I think we both look great. Now, come on. I wanna get there before the night completely runs away from us."

Without another word, she races past me, grabbing my arm in the process. We're out the dorm building before I even have a chance to process what's happening. I can't help, but laugh. I can already tell that tonight is going to be one I won't forget for a long time.


Loche, the main event center, is packed by the time Audrey and I arrive. There are all sorts of costumes. Witches, sorceresses, bees, but so far, she and I seem to be the only angel and devil, which is surprising. The decorations are beautiful. Soft, fluorescent light lines the walls. Halloween themed banners and streamers fall from high above, and if that isn't enough you can see the stars through the skylight window above the dance floor. They're shining bright tonight as though the goddess of stars is smiling down on them.

Audrey spots someone in the crowd and inches toward them. She motions for me to follow her, so I do. I'm able to tell who she's found once we get closer to him. It's Sam. He's dressed in tattered casual clothes. And fake blood drips on his mouth. I pout a little. It's a good costume, but I was expecting him to at least have a cape.

He turns to the two of us and smiles. "Cute outfits."

I smirk. "I like yours too, but I think your missing a cape." I'm never gonna let this go. Both Audrey and Sam look at me in confusion. I shrug, "If you're gonna be a vampire, at least have a cape."

She chuckles and responds, "You and you're specific requirements." Audrey shakes her head. "You're the one not wearing wings." Sam huffs with laughter and I join in.

"Do you two want to get some drinks?" he asks.

"Please," Audrey responds, "Running all the way here took a lot out of me."

We walk over to the punch bowl. I'm tentative and look around for any sign of Addison, Matt, or even Tyler for that matter. The last thing I need is for this night to be ruined by any of them. I don't see any of them, which is a good thing. I sigh in relief and keep following them to the refreshments table. Sam pours three drinks. One for me, one for Audrey, and one for himself. I sip it and gag. I've never actually been a fan of punch, but I didn't to be rude and not drink it. I gulp it down as quickly as I can without spitting it out. I think Audrey notices my disgusted expression because I see her silently snort while she's looking at me.

I pretend pout at her and turn away. Of course, to my lovely surprise, Kayden is standing right behind me as I whip around. I guess my little stunt earlier wasn't enough to keep him down for the rest of the day. "Kayden."

He doesn't answer me. He just looks at me, eyes smoldering. I take that as my cue to slip away, but he grabs hold of my hand before I have the chance to bolt. "I'm hurt," he pouts, "Do you not want to stay and talk." He leads me away from the punch table.

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