Chapter Nine

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I pace back and forth the night before the party. I'm trying to plan my angel outfit. Every time I think I find the perfect one though, I freak myself out and change it. Audrey is sitting on my bed watching me go through outfit after outfit.

"Wow. I've never seen someone go through so many clothes in fifteen minutes."

"How can I not?" I groan, "I need to find the perfect angel outfit."

She rolls her eyes and sighs, "I personally liked the white shirt and white jean skirt ensemble." She looks up at me and jumps. "Why are you giving me a death stare?"

"It's unfair," I pout, "You have your devil outfit planned out already."

Audrey's lip twitches as though she's trying to hold in her amusement. "That I do have planned out." She reclines back on my bed, but springs up a second later. "I just had an idea." She starts sifting through my discarded clothes on the bed and pulls out a white crop top and white jeans. "This is the one."

I have to admit. The outfit did seem like it would look cute. I guess I must underestimate Audrey's fashion sense. "Do you really think I can pull it off?"

"Definitely," she affirms, "You'll look smoking."

"Great," I say, "Now I just need to get a halo and I'll be good."

"No wings."

I shrug, "I think wings are for the weak." I'm obviously joking. I'm just too lazy to actually go out and buy wings.

She sighs in relief. "Great, that means I don't have to buy wings either. I just need to grab my devil horns." Her eyes land on my pendant. "Are you going to wear that too," she adds nodding to it.

I honestly forgot I was wearing the red jewel around my neck. "Yes, I never take it off," I explain as I examine it. It's still as lustrous as it was when I received it. My reflection is clear in the ruby.

Audrey grows quiet, letting me reminisce about the memories it brings back. After a few minutes, she asks, "Did it belong to someone important to you."

I shake my head no. "It didn't belong to anyone important to me, but it was given to me by my older brother."


"No. I had a brother who was a few years older than him." I know the words hit her hard when she realized I said had and not have. She looks down at her thumbs and twiddles them. "Don't feel bad about asking. I have nothing to hide anymore."

Her eyes meet mine. She's waiting to ask something, I can tell by the look in her eyes. I give her a look. Go ahead. "What was he like?"

"He was my best friend," I begin. A whisper of a smile crosses my face as I tell her about our little adventures at the manor. I don't hold back as I explain my relationship with my parents and my other brother. I share how he would comfort me whenever I was sad and then I finally reach the part when he died. Audrey looks at me, a flicker of worry reaches her eyes as I grow quieter. She learns about the limo ride and my confrontation with my father. Tears streak down her face. Tears as she listens.

"What the hell?" she spits. "Oh god, that explains why you were so quiet in third grade."

I nod my head and continue on. I tell her about my grief, about the maid, the flowers, the pendant, and finally the letter. The letter that I still have with me, hidden away in my nightstand drawer. Audrey is balling her eyes out at this point. A few tears were shed myself, but I will remain strong until I finish this story. His story. "There were many things he told me in that letter. I didn't understand them then, but now I understand everything he said." I clutch the jewel around my neck. "Those words have become my resolve. I'm learning a little more every day and finding the people who I care about. I will live my life and be happy, and I will live for him. I will live for Luke," I pause, "and I will live for everyone else I have come to love and cherish, which includes you." I look Audrey in the eyes. A promise. A promise that will forever bind us together as friends.

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