Chapter Twelve

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Audrey pulls me along towards the front gate with Sam following close behind. We talked to Ms. Simons at the attendance desk earlier and were cleared to leave campus. I show the security guard my town pass along with Audrey and Sam. They let us through with little trouble.

I called a limo service to take us into town earlier, and it is waiting for us right outside the gate when we pass through. We all hop in and ask him to drive us to Cambridge City a few miles away. Once we're driving, I watch the passing scenery through the window. I always forget how secluded this academy is until I'm outside it's walls. It's fifteen minutes outside of any type of civilization, but the whole campus makes me feel like we're not isolated at all. It's feels like it's own little community in a way.

Tall Pine trees pass by one by one in front of the many open fields behind them. Rolling green hills are the only thing we can see for a few miles until the lights of the city finally come into view. There it is in all its glory. Cambridge City.

Once we're inside the city limits, we ask the driver to drop us off in the nearest shopping district. He nods, the only indication that he heard us, and drops us off by the Haven shopping district, which is one of my favorite places here. It's nearby Cambridge park, which has one of the most beautiful gardens I've ever seen. It's prettier than the academy's. Luke used to take me there when we were kids every now and again. He'd show me all the beautiful plants in the garden and tell me all about them. I'll have to go there soon with Sam and Audrey one day. I'm sure they'd love it.

Stepping out of the vehicle, I'm careful not to trip on the pavement. "What should we do first?" I ask.

"I have no idea," Audrey answers, stretching out her legs, "I rarely come to this part of the city."

Sam gives her a contemplative look. "How?" he inquires, "This is probably the most beautiful part of the city."

Can't argue with him there. Park aside, the Haven shopping district always has the most beautiful decorations. Right now though, the town workers are getting ready to change the decorations on the street, so there isn't too much to admire there.

Audrey pouts, "Sorry, I have my places I like to go to." She steps away from us and scans the area for a minute, taking in the scenery. "It does seem beautiful," she admits, glimpsing at Sam with a mischievous grin. "Well, Sam, since you're the expert on this part of the city, why don't you show us around?"

He smirks back, "Gladly." Sam mockingly bows to us and laughs. "After you ladies."

I playfully shove him. "Be serious Sam," I say, trying to hold in my own amusement.

"Come on you two," he remarks. Serious this time. "I have a ton of things I want to show you guys tonight."

Audrey rolls her eyes and whoops, "Lead the way."

The first place we stop is at an ice cream shop in the middle of Haven Plaza. The outside of the shop is adorable. It looks relatively new, but according to the sign posted out front it's nearly forty years old.

"Isn't it a little too cold for ice cream," I snort.

"Yes," Sam admits, "but their ice cream is the best in the city. I'm sure a little sample of it won't kill either of you." He walks inside and Audrey and I follow. It's warm, almost like a blanket has been wrapped around me.

Audrey basks in the warmth. "I forget how cold it gets in Pennsylvania during the winter," she remarks, walking over to the counter to look at the ice cream. The lone employee is a young boy, probably sixteen. He eyes her as she scans over the different flavors, completely oblivious to the attention she is receiving. I quietly giggle.

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