Chapter 6 - The Unavoidable

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  I dreaded school the next day. It was a friday, so everyone was more giddy and excited for the weekend. The more excitement the more bruises.

Usually it's only a couple more bruises, but because of what happened yesterday I had a lot in store for me.

I had thought it over alot, and eventually broke down into a sobbing mess. I loved my life back in Konoha, and I want to go back.

So badly.

But I would take my family with me, especially my smol. And anyone else close to me. But that couldn't happen.

One, because of Inda, two, it would raise suspicion, and three... my parents wouldn't believe me let alone go with.

But as I thought it over even deeper, I wanted to skip school, or vanish from existence. But that couldn't happen, no. I would have to face school sooner or later.

And sooner is almost always better. I figured the worst part would be the bus ride. The moment I stepped onto the bus, either screams or screamed cheers greeted me.

I had let out a sigh of relief when I saw there were empty spots up in the front. But, as expected, everyone immediately moved their bags to the seat I glanced at.

Almost all of them smirking too. It was clear they wanted to see what would go down. They simply wanted a show.

They needed to shrink their hopes to the size of their IQ's, because I clearly wasn't going to give them a show.

I saw a completely empty seat. Before the kid in the seat behind the one I was going to sit in could drop his bags onto the seat, I had already sat down.

The bus ride was ok, actually. It was nothing near to what I imagined it would be like. I had used my backpack and binder to block the seat next to me.

I don't need seat partners, or friends.

They all disappoint me, these filthy humans.

Besides the insults, this is what I wished the bus ride was like every day. Normal.

But after school... was a living hell.

I was walking on the blacktop through the courtyard when something hard hit the back of my head. Hard.

I turned swiftly on my heels to see one of Komi's 'friends'. I say it like that because Komi never saw anyone as a friend. Ever.

You were either a burden or a slave, nothing more.

He had hit me on the back of the head with a rock. But it wasn't sharp. It just hurt. While I was occupied with staring and thinking, someone else had yanked my wrist behind my back, and tied them together.

I tried to turn around to see if there was anyone else behind me. But before I could, another one of Komi's slaves grabbed my hair to make me look up at Komi himself, who was strutting towards me, hands in his pockets.

He looked excited. I looked at him straight in the eye. 'Now..." he said, looking clearly satisfied with this stupid little plan of his.

Komi's slave had tied the rope so tight, I felt it cut into my wrist and draw blood. A kick in the back and I was on the ground, the right side of my chin landing first.

It busted a huge gash open, blood leaking out into a good sized puddle on the black, rough cement.

"You can't touch me." Komi sneered, finishing the sentence he started before.

Well, he was wrong about that. I could still touch him if I wanted to. Hell, I could kill him if I wanted to. But he didn't' know that. Nobody did.

Komi kicked my side, his foot digging in to the side of my ribs. I held in my gasp of pain as I both felt and heard my rib crack.

Kicks and hit hit me over and over again. I hated being used as a punching bag. It hurts so much, But if this pain is what it takes to keep my family safe somehow, i'll take it.

In the words of Nagato, pain made me grow up.

At first I thought that this was the end of the year stunt that Komi was going to pull one me, but as the hitting died down, something told me this wasn't it.

Something bigger was coming. A lot bigger.

One last kick sent me into the stone wall. I was breathing hard

As Komi walked away, black and white dots appeared in my blurry vision. A I closed my eyes, and sat up quickly, as a very sharp pain shot through my four cracked ribs.

I leaned my head back against the wall, and took in a sharp breath. I closed my eyes, only to hear fast footfalls coming my way.

But it wasn't who I expected.

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