Chapter 3 - Realization

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  So... I'm sorry for not updating last weekend. I had a lot going on. Homework piled up, and the end of volleyball season is coming up, so games have been more frequent. Anyways, I tried to double update, but I got too stressed out. D: Thank you to everyone who has read my story so far! Oh, and I know this story escalates quickly, but that happens for a reason. Enjoy!

    - Author-Chan

  I ran off the bus onto Crude Street, which was, if I remember correctly, about two blocks from Dijin's elementary.

I pick him up every day, presumably because of what happened last year.

But that's something we never talk about in our family.


I speed walked to Orchard, where Dijin attended elementary school. It was not a bad school, it was even the newest. I hated being late, because it made Dijin worry.

After thinking through what I did on the bus, I could only come to one logical conclusion.

The seal is weakening.

And it wasn't the first time, really. But the last time I resealed it was fifth grade, after my second out-of-village encounter with Inda.

And I fell into a coma for three weeks.

But it was a necessity, because without the time I spent knocked out, it won't reseal properly.

If the seal broke, all hell would break loose. All of the thoughts of what Inda would do to Dijin mad my mind twist in a murderous way.

I intended to keep my life, not throw it away for something stupid like a fight with Komi.

At this point I was about ten yards away from the front gates of Dijin's school, I realized the real consequences of what I had done.

Images of my classmates phones flashed through my head. I stopped, and frantically reached into my back pocket.

I grabbed my phone, and looked for the newest post. The first thing I saw was 'Grand Champion gets put to shame.'

I clicked on it, hot adrenaline coursing through my veins.

My finger moved at light speed, scrolling through the comments. My eyes widened in horror at a comment from GolenDemon2.

It read 'Muyukara you'll get found out.' I felt something shift, but paid no mind to it.

I dropped to the ground on my knees, unable to control my emotions. Ind was going to find and kill everyone I held dearest to me.

And that obviously included Dijin. My Dijin was a precious smol cinnamon roll that was too good for this world. Even in the darkest of times, Dijin smiled bright.

I held him more dear than anyone.

One thing I caught about Inda during my life in the village was that he doesn't just kill, he tortures. And when he gets started, he doesn't stop. It's no mercy.

I was so lost in thought, that I didn't realize that tears were painting a clear canvas down my face. Neither did I notice my smol bean looking into my distant expression calling my name worriedly.

"Muyukara?" He asked timidly, worry glinting in his large kawaii eyes.

"M-Muyukara?" He asked, for once his face showed something else other than joy.

Something close to fear.

Droplets of salty tears fell on the ground below me. Dots of white appeared in my vision, making everything blurry.

I fought it, knowing it would raise suspicion. I heard a voice in my head, and the feeling of being stabbed repeatedly through my skull.

I screamed, as the voice played over and echoed through my head.

' Word is out. She failed.'

I passed out, forgetting about the worried Dijin, the people around videotaping me, crowded around.

Also forgetting the top priority.

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