Chapter 5 - My Smol Cinnamon Roll (2)

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  Dijin Ran inside, practically sparkling with happiness. As we got the ingredients set out, I realized we needed two eggs, and we only had one.

"Hey Dijin?" I called, looking over my shoulder at him. He was trying to pull the mixer out of the pantry. He stopped.

"Yeah?" he asked, awaiting my answer. "We need another egg. Lets go borrow one from one of the neighbors, Ne?" I questioned.

Dijin didn't even answer, he just smiled, jumped into his shoes and out the door.

"Jeez, so full of energy. I commented to myself, slipping on my flip-flops.

Hey, I don't only wear my ninja sandals.

The next door neighbors weren't home, so we went one more house down. The house was well kept. It was a faded navy blue with a maroon doot.

On the door was a metal wreath, presumably homemade. I knocked, Dijin behind me.

But as I pulled my hand away, I caught my knuckle on a piece of metal. I winced, holding my hand.

I didn't notice Dijin look away, shaking and whimpering.

I took a look at the cut. It was jagged. The one thing I find most useful about my academy knowledge is what I can figure out using the methods they taught. Otherwise, it was all simple non-ninja stuff.

Cuts with a sharp knife heal easily and clean, while cuts with a dull knife take longer to heal, and are much more painful.

Think about why I know that for a moment.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as the door opened, revealing none other than Yuye Cami.

"Oh," he said, clearly not expecting to see me. "Hi. Can we borrow an egg?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

"Um... sure." He said, seeming skeptical. Why he was skeptical about me borrowing an egg was beyond me.

What! It's not like i'm going to egg his house or something. With one egg only? You need at least a whole carton!

And yes, maybe I know that from personal experience.

Think about why I know that for a moment as well.

Yuye came back into the doorway, holding out an egg. "Here." he said, and I grabbed it from him.

"Thanks," I said. But Then I remembered to tell him. "Oh, yeah. And you might want to sand that wreath a little. It's sharp." I said, and with that I turned around.

Only to see that Dijin wasn't there.

"N-nani?" I questioned to myself, running back to the house. Absent-mindedly leaving Yuye at his front door, wondering what the heck just happened.

I ran back to the house, hoping to see Dijin. I didn't know what I would do if Inda had gotten his hands on my Smol.

I banged opened the door, hoping to see Dijin. And to my relief, he was there melting the butter.

I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding in. I kicked my shoes off, not bothering to put them away. I walked up to Dijin.

"Dijin, why did you leave?" I asked, hoping it wasn't what I thought it was.

"The blood from the cut you got." He said solemnly, which was a different tone than usual.

One of understandment. It was what I thought. Dijin has a deathly fear of blood, for reasons we don't talk about. Since last year.

In fact, when I looked down at my hand, there was a small amount of blood leaking in between my pointer and middle finger.

Even the smallest amount, a drop at the least, triggered his fear.

But I understood completely. Not why he was afraid of blood, but why he ran off. I was a ninja, and a medical ninja at that. I can't be afraid of blood.

I leaned down a bit, eye level with Dijin. I stared into his beautiful kawaii eyes. I thought for a moment. "Just... tell me before you go, okay?" I asked of him, and he nodded. That was the best thing I could think of at the moment.

I stood up, and stopped the microwave. And remember, soften the butter, not melt it. I reminded him.

He smiled his usual bright, wide smile. "Okay!" he said, and I pulled the butter out.

"Let's get cooking!" I said. Dijin smiled. 

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