A Hex on My Ex || Dorcas

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requested by FaccioSwishSempre


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Your P.O.V

I WAITED PATIENTLY by the statue of the Dark Lord. I waited for Asher, my amazing boyfriend to show up where we had planned to meet before going to the dance. We had agreed to meet here and he never appeared.

I had been waiting here for over half an hour, so there wasn't much point in just leaving considering that my time had been wasted already. Maybe he ran into trouble or something?

Knowing Asher, he had probably just forgotten or didn't care enough to show up. I sighed, pulling a lock of my hair that I had spent so long doing for a night I was so excited about, only to be stood up by the guy I thought was going to make the Halloween dance really special. Of course my expectations had been too high.

I looked down at my long, flowy, purple dress, covered in sequins and glitter. I had considered just going in anyway, but I hated the idea of walking in alone, so I just stood and hoped that he'd show up.

"Hey," I heard a voice appear behind me that was definitely too high pitched to be Asher's. It was Dorcas' voice. She was wearing a pretty blue dress and her hair was up as it always was but it had some colorful pins that made it look even nicer. "Are you waiting for someone?"

"I was waiting for Asher," I sighed, giving her a dull smile. "He stood me up. You?"

"Nope. I learnt my lesson with guys long ago," she chuckles breathily. "I'm not gonna waste my time on them and you shouldn't either."

I laughed lightly. "Anyways, I think I'm just gonna head back to the dorms."

"Y/N, don't waste that dress. Especially not because of some dumb crackhead."

"I don't have a date." I frowned.

"Neither do I but I'm still going to go." She was pretty convincing. "Besides, girls are way more fun at dances. Just stick with me and my sisters."

I smiled, giving in as she started leading the way to the Academy's gym. I followed her inside where the loud music was much more prominent; almost deafening. Dorcas went off to get us some drinks before we could go and dance with the other girls.

I'd have the urge to hex him later on. I mean, he'd deserve it. But I'm not like that.

The red-headed girl came back with two plastic cups of punch, handing one to me. We started pushing through the crowd of dancers to reach the other side and just happened to bump into the one person I didn't want to see right now.

"Asher?" I would say that I was shocked, but I honestly wasn't. "You were supposed to meet me half an hour ago!"

"Crap." I heard him mutter under his breath. I'm assuming that was supposed to be inaudible to me. I really wanted to curse him right now.

"This is him?" Dorcas asked me with an unimpressed look on her face. I nodded.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. It just slipped my mind." The lamest excuse.

I was ready to respond with a witty comment— one of my professions— but before I could say anything, red liquid suddenly splashed all across Asher's chest, not just making his jaw drop, but mine too.

"What the hell?!" He yelled at Dorcas who had a nonchalant expression on her face.

"Sorry, it just slipped," She mocked his words. "Come on, Y/N. We'll hex him later." She whispered the last part, making me grin.

She dragged me away, her hand firmly on my arm as I was led to Prudence and Agatha.

After a few seconds, what just happened had finally hit me and I began laughing in realization of what Dorcas just did in my defense.

We spent the rest of the night having much more fun than I would have had with that son of a demon.

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honestly guys suck (unless they're harvey, ambrose or nick lol)

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i hope you enjoyed this one shot!

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