Taming Jane

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Taming Jane

Author:  littleLo

Genre: Romance, Historical Fiction

Rating: [PG]

Status: Completed

Reader’s Comment: Can I just say, I love the way you write. It's fluid, simple, poetic, and real. These household situations could very possibly take place, and I love how you make each story unique. I can't wait to read more, and good luck with your writing!   -MargretteSatterfield

Book 1: Rescuing Emilia

Book 3: Changing Kitty

Book 4: Saving Sabine

Book 5: Becoming Jane

Book 6: Unchaining Alice

Book 7: Freeing Ebony


Jane Alcott was raised on a farm and is more at home milking cows and birthing foals then she is dancing with London’s most eligible bachelors. She had her first season when she was nineteen and was humiliated with her clumsiness and crassness. Now at twenty - three her mother has decided that it is time for her to be married so she sends her to have another season, staying with her brother, the Earl of Ethridge and his wife, Emilia.

While Jane doesn't plan on making any connections, little does she know that she's attracted the brooding Daniel Winchester, a man with secrets and a painful past. A man who swore he would never love again.

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