Always Ariel

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Always Ariel

Author: Kassilassie

Genre: Historical Fiction, Romance

Rating: PG-13

Status: Completed

Reader’s Comment: It's a beautiful love story❤️. I'm glad I read itThanks for sharing your books   -BlaizeD

Book 1: Dear December

Book 2: Sincerely Scarlett

Book 3: Love Lindy

Book 5: Graciously Ginny

Book 6: Cordially Cordelia

Book 7: Respectfully Rose

Book 8: Adoringly Abbie

Book 9: Affectionately Anette


Wanted: a woman From 18 to 24 to share in matrimony to a gentleman of 25 years old mustn't be afraid of hard work, and living away from the city. Must be god fearing. Apply at once N. Adams Hope Blossoms Wyoming

Ariel Wade sighed as she read the simple Ad that her cousin Lindy had given her before her twin sister’s wedding. She wanted to be married, but she didn’t know how her parents would feel about this. She pulled out a piece of parchment from her small desk in the corner of her room. She dipped her pen in the well of ink.

Dear Mr. Adams,

She took her time writing his name and then sighed taking a moment too look out of her window. She could see her three little sisters playing on the swing in their front yard. She smiled as she watched the twins Hannah and Hope as they fought over who got too push their older sister Daisy in the swing that had been repaired many times. She remembered playing on that very swing with her own twin sister Abbie. They had always been closer then close, as identical twins no one could tell them apart especially since they were never apart. She turned her attention back to the paper.

I am writing in reply to your ad. I believe I would make you a wonderful wife. I am eighteen years old. And I was raised in a God-Fearing home just outside of Denver City on a small ranch; I am very used to hard work and living away from the city. I look forward to your reply.

Always, Ariel Wade

She smiled feeling that it was short and to the point, she didn’t want to waste the man’s time as he probably got many replies to his Ad. She didn’t even know if he would pick her as his mail-order bride. All she knew is she wanted out of Colorado Territory.

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