Sincerely Scarlett

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Sincerely Scarlett

Author: Kassilassie

Genre: Historical Fiction, Romance

Rating: PG-13

Status: Completed

Reader’s Comment: Yet another beautiful story! :) enjoyed reading it ! Keep it up Kass! :D   -shreya07

Book 1: Dear December

Book 3: Love Lindy

Book 4: Always Ariel

Book 5: Graciously Ginny

Book 6: Cordially Cordelia

Book 7: Respectfully Rose

Book 8: Adoringly Abbie

Book 9: Affectionately Anette


He smiled slightly remembering her love for literature. Curiosity got the better of him as he followed Scarlett out the back door. He kept a distance, and blew out his lantern so she wouldn’t know he followed her.

He smiled as he saw her climb a tree in the distance. She held her lantern high and smiled to herself before opening her book. He walked closer, watching her all the while. It wasn’t until he saw her cry that he stepped closer.

“Scar?” he said quietly, startling her.

“Who’s there?” she asked almost scared holding up her lantern.

“It’s me… George.”

“What on God’s green earth are you doing out here?”

“I could ask you the same thing Scar… and in your night robe? Are you trying to catch your death?” He asked knowing that he had yet again made her anger with him.

“No I wanted time Alone.” Scarlett snapped.

“I never knew you liked to climb trees.” George said climbing up the same tree.

“I didn’t… not until I had Lindy, when she was four she would climb anything and everything. I had to go up after her; to be sure she wouldn’t fall.”

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