Chapter 6

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"Are you sure it was him? There is no way that's possible, he's the same as the rest of them, weak and incompetent. No one has seen or heard from him in weeks and you expect me to believe that it was Jackson who did this?" none of the alphas said anything, choosing to eye the boxes scattered across the warehouse they were taking cover in, tense and poised as if ready to fight despite merely just meeting around the table.

"None of us were there, but that's what the twins claimed when I came to confront them," Kali shrugged, replying but not making eye contact with the head Alpha. The rest of the pack aside from Ethan and Aiden were also in attendance, spread out around the rectangular table facing Deucalion, stiffly shifting in place, feeling the lead Alpha's anger and frustration.

"Go check it out, I don't want any more problems if he can be dealt with, I came here for one thing and I will get it. Nothing will stand in my way," Deucalion spat before spinning on his heel, dismissing the rest as he exited.


"I'm home," Stiles called out despite knowing the only one home wasn't able to verbally reply, instead he heard the pit-pattering of paws hitting the floor as Jackson raced down the stairs to greet Stiles. "Hey Jax, how was your day?"

Stiles wasn't dumb, he knew Jackson couldn't respond, but it made him feel better having established a routine to come home to after being alone for so long without his father or Scott, "I was thinking we could go to the preserve today again if you want. I mean, I'm still spooked about what happened last time, but it's been a while since I let you roam after being cooped up in here with just the backyard to run in."

Stiles felt guilty for keeping Jackson confined in such a small area, but he was scared. Stiles wasn't sure what exactly he was scared of though. The day he took Jackson home, the werewolf had remained in his unresponsive state, following Stiles around throughout the rest of the night, but not making a single sound. The wolf hadn't even eaten, Jackson had flat out refused and had forced Stiles to eat instead, helping Stiles climb up the stairs when he stumbled, and helping him into bed at night. Stiles didn't know why Jackson was behaving that way, but when they woke up the next morning, Jackson seemed to return to normal, or whatever was considered normal for a werewolf in their full-shift. Stiles couldn't confront Jackson about this in his current state, but Stiles knew it had something to do with him considering it was Stiles Jackson had followed around.

However, Stiles didn't know what to do after the incident regarding Ethan and Aiden. Sure Scott came to talk to him, but Stiles had lied and Scott had noticed, or maybe he was too distracted with Stiles screaming at him at the time. Stiles mentally shrugged in response, whatever, he'd deal with it when it came up. For now, Stiles had more important things to deal with like his wolf.

Speaking of, when did Jackson become his wolf? Sure the werewolf had been by his side since the day Stiles found him in the preserve, but Jax wasn't his. He wasn't an object, he was a person; his friend, and his only companion besides his father. But calling Jackson his friend still didn't seem right. Jax has been here since the beginning of Scott and Stiles's dispute, he's seen Stiles at his worst in tears, screaming and struggling to breathe through his panic attacks, and yet he was still by Stiles's side. Then what was Jackson to Stiles? His best friend? Maybe, but that didn't seem right either.

Before Stiles could dive further into his train of thought, a wet nose bumped into his thigh softly and yet firm. Stiles jumped in response to the cold temperature of Jackson's nose, and pushed his thoughts away, turning to give Jackson his full attention who had been whining at him for the past minutes he spaced out.

"Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind right now. Maybe this run will do us both some good." Jackson barked in response and started to push Stiles forward and out the door, urging him to lock the door faster and hopping in the passenger seat as soon as Stiles unlocked his Jeep. "Excited are we?" Stiles asked amused, Jackson barking nonsense in response as he started the engine.

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