Chapter 5

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"Jax, come on. I don't have all day, you know. And this was your idea too," tapping his foot impatiently, Stiles groaned as he checked the time on his phone for the umpteenth time waiting for the werewolf. "If you don't come down right now, I'm leaving you and I'm not fucking kidding."

The werewolf on cue finally came barreling down the stairs in a frenzy hearing Stiles's threat and ran headfirst into Stiles's legs, the two tumbling down the last few steps of the stairs with Stiles groaning on the floor in pain. Jackson was slumped over Stiles, having fallen on top of his mate amidst the chaos, and barked once as if asking Stiles if he was alright, nudging at him until he had enough of Stiles's gangly arms swatting his muzzle away as Stiles kept responding that he was fine.

"Okay, okay, I'm up. God, what took you so long, you don't need time to get ready at all," Stiles just sighed as Jackson met Stiles's gaze head-on, tongue hanging out of his mouth panting cheekily as he kept trying to push Stiles to the door. "Oh my gosh, I got it. Stop pushing me already you big oaf."

After locking the door behind him Stiles watched amused as Jackson ran ahead, circling his Jeep in excitement as he waited for Stiles to unlock the car to let him in. Opening his door, Stiles let Jackson in first, watching the werewolf climb into the driver's seat before jumping into the passenger seat before he finally got in. Putting his seat belt in place, Stiles started the car and ran his hands through Jackson's fur as he waited for Jackson to get comfortable before he pulled out, "I just hope no one pulls me over for having a wolf in here, unless I tell them it's just an abnormally large dog. Yeah, that works, it's Beacon Hills, nobody will suspect a thing. Well, maybe my dad, but I doubt he'll be patrolling today. Yep, we'll be fine. Or at least I hop— OW! Okay, sheesh, I'm driving. Stop trying to eat me, I already fed you lunch– well early lunch, but you get the picture, no. Stop. JACKSON!"

Ignoring his mate, Jackson kept teething playfully at Stiles's free hand that wasn't on the wheel, whining when Stiles ignored his pleas to keep petting his fur. Getting tired of having to drag his arm away from Jackson's sneaky teeth, Stiles sighed, giving in like he always did, "God, you are so needy."

Jackson huffed in response, but had stopped trying to gnaw on his mate's fingers, instead panting in delight as he felt Stiles scratching at his ear as he stared out the window. The two remained quiet throughout the rest of the trip with Jackson occasionally nipping at Stiles's fingers every time he pulled his hand away to quickly make a turn, the quietness a little out of the ordinary for the two but nevertheless peaceful. Once they arrived at the lot next to one of the hiking trails, Stiles pulled away from Jackson completely to park the car, chuckling at the werewolf's obvious grumbles of displeasure before he climbed out of the car, Jackson at his heels, too impatient to wait for Stiles to walk around to the other side.

"Come on, we only have a few hours before we have to go back to cook dad dinner," Jackson huffed in response, but bumped his head against the back of Stiles's legs to get the other moving forward into the preserve as Stiles kept talking. "You think Derek knows we're here?" having given up on pushing Stiles to move faster, Jackson trotted slightly ahead, choosing to ignore the question, and digging his nose into the dirt and knocking over rocks. As dumb as Jackson looked, Stiles smiled in amusement, gazing at the werewolf fondly; god Stiles really owed everything to Jackson.

"I'll take that as you don't care, but I think he knows. I mean this is his property, it's been a while since I've seen him though, but I doubt he'll come looking for us, let alone me. I mean I'm only human, like what use am I? I mean even Scott left me... everybody left me... except you. You've always been here for me, but— but now that I'm thinking about it, you were lonely too weren't you?" Stiles's heart ached when he realized how alone Jackson must have felt after the whole kanima incident. Most of the pack choosing to ignore or even straight out avoid the other. The only time Stiles remembered where everyone was in one place at once were Scott's pack meetings, but even those had been brief. Stiles paused to sigh, still feeling the sting of losing his friends and his pack, but he wouldn't let this stop him. Not now, not when Jackson was by his side. Stiles hummed a small tune as he continued trekking through the bushes and low branches to Jackson's favorite clearing, "I guess we were both a little lonely, but I'm glad you went looking for me. God, I don't know what I would've done without you. My dad too."

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