Chapter 1

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Ego flaunts wealth, Prestige (Esther 5:11)

"And Haman recounted to them the glory of his riches,the abundance of his sons,all the things in which the King had promoted him,and how he had advanced him above the princes and servants of the King"

Joan smiled as she mentally pictured how her sweet sixteen would be. Her uncle had agreed she could have the huge bash she had always dreamt of. She could only imagine how it would be the talk of the entire Westside High School that week. It was perfect. HER LIFE was perfect. The car stopped right in front of her school and she got down with her lips curving into a smile as she enjoyed the pairs of eyes that stared at her walking radiantly. She enjoyed it. She loved being rich, famous and glamorous. Sometimes though, she did wonder why her family could be so perfect. Uncle James had adopted her when she was six and left to her, being his daughter was the best thing that could ever happen to her. She shoved her hair gently from her face as she walked into the school and moving into the usually busy corridor, she had her head up high and headed fo her locker.

"Hey Joan, " The thin voice of her best friend, Maurice said. Maurice was her best friend for two reasons; she was rich and fabulous.

"Hi, "

"So, how did it go?" She leaned against her locker which was just beside Joan's. "Did your agree?"

"Yup, " Joan replied so gladly.

"Nice," Maurice had her ecstatic smile on. "'Cause I already got this really nice dress from my mum and i was wondering where to wear it to."

"Okay, I'm like just so happy. I have to start preparing the invitations and..."

"Hi, Joan." It was Kaithlin, another of her friends.

"Hi, " Joan paused then continued. "So as I was saying, I have to go shopping and stuff. Are you guys going to the mall today? 'Cause my wardrobe is desperately needing an update."

"Nope, sorry, my mum's having one of those gatherings where her colleagues dress so gorgeously and i can't afford to miss it, or be late. " Maurice said quickly.

"Ouch, i can't come either, i'm kind of busy."

Joan's eyes narroweed a little like she was trying to psychoanalyse her two friends. "What kind of friends are you guys anyway?"

"Joan, we can't follow you about like you're some celebrity. Plus, you're getting a little bossy and until you become much nicer, I think my schedule's full." Kaithlyn said.

Joan looked a little taken aback and raised an eyebrow at her supposed friend then turned away, opened her locker and after getting all she'd need, locked it again.

"Well, then until I get to really know who my friends are, i'll stick to being alone. I'll feel much better that way." Then she turned to go, but as if remembering something, turned back. "And, no cheerleading practices today." Then walked off.

She had the riches, the popularity but she was not sure she really had a friend to lean on and though he had often waved off the thought, it kept occuring to her that she was more lonely that she knew. She was really young for her class but she certainly did let the other twelve graders take any advantage of her. She had to be in charge anywhere she went. She analysed all that had surrounded her for as long as she could remember.The huge house where she lived, her perfect uncle/dad and her gandmother; she despised that woman. She wasn't sure anymore who she really was but maybe she was just making a mountain out of a molehill.


Evil Desires (Habakkuk 2:4-5)

" Look at the proud,his soul is not straight or right within him,but the rightly just and the uncompromisingly righteous man shall live by his faith and in faithfulness.

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