Chapter 7: Idk what to name this chapter #sorrynotsorry

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Chapter 7: I don't know what to name this chapter #sorrynotsorry

-Kara De Léon-

I've been at this stupid hospital for three days now. Everything is on a tense schedule here. A nurse brings me breakfast at 7:00, I have therapy from 8:00 to 9:30. Then lunch is brought to me at 11:30. Visiting time is from 1:00 to 4:00pm.

When my mom, dad, and two old people that call themselves "Mamaw" and "Pop" visit, we are lead to an all white room. They sit behind the window and examine me from a distance as the doctor does another therapy session with me. They hold up various cards of people I knew or say different names of those people. I still can only remember mom, dad, and Sadie. I remember them, but not their personality or anything. Everything else is a blur.

"Zach Jackson" the nice lady says as she holds up a picture of a nice looking boy with black hair.

I closed my eyes in concentration.

"Is he Sadie's brother? I- I think I dated him..."

"YES! That's correct. Moving on," she held up a card with an African American girl. She had a light complexion. "Mallory Sinclair."

I thought for a little while. I developed a small headache.

"I-I feel like I should know this...but every time

I'm close to a breakthrough my mind goes blank. I'm sorry."

The nurse sighed. "It's okay. Take your time with your recovery. This must be hard for you."

A single tear rolled down my cheek.

"I just want my old life back" I sounded like a small child. I have got to grow up. I'm tired of staying strong. I've lost everything. I just feel...soulless.

Mom, dad, mamaw, and pops all came from behind the glass partitioned room and gave me a hug. My mom was crying as she hugged me.

"I think it may be time we try the surgery, Leona" my dad said to my mom as he patted her back affectionately.

Leona sure is a pretty name.

"Yes, but how will we afford it? We've barely scraped by these past couple of days. We never imagined we'd have to get Medicare for our daughter."

"We'll help y'all! Don't y'all worry about a thing. You'll have your darlin' back in no time" Mamaw really is optimistic.

"While you work on collecting the money for the surgery, we'll keep trying therapy to see if she'll have a breakthrough. It's a very minuscule chance."

"Any chance, is a chance" my dad said with a gruff voice as he held me.

I feel like a child. All of this is just too much.

-Mallory Sinclair-

I immediately felt bad after I heard about what happened to Kara.

So I obviously called the plan off. Sky was pissed. She was more excited than I was.

My girls and I were chilling in the food court at the mall.

"I still can't believe you're calling this plan off, girl! We worked so hard" Sky said to me as we got up to throw our food away.

I rolled my eyes; I do that a lot when I'm around Sky.

"The girl has AMNESIA, Sky. She doesn't even remember what she did. She barely remembers her parents" Chantelle said with an attitude.

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