Chapter 4: I'm Gonna Hit Karma With A Shovel

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Chapter 4: I'm Gonna Hit Karma With a Shovel

I whipped my head around to put that heckler in place.

"Mallory, do you know who I am?! I will end you!"

"Yeah, we all know you're just a stupid s1ut who's had everything handed to her and is finally getting what she deserved. Ain't it fun living in the real world" Mallory sneered back.

(Refer to Mallory in part 4 for her bio)

"Puh-lease! Like they'd ever let you get on a show. It'd have to be one of those shows where they makeover the ugly. Now step a side so I can get to class" I sneered back at her. I pushed her out of my way so I could get into the school.

I started to walk but I was pulled back because she swiftly grabbed my hair and pushed me to the ground.

I tried to get up but she pushed me back down.

"Thought you were gonna come here and push me around like in grade school, huh?" She let out a laugh and others laughed too. I even heard someone yell "WORRRLLLDDD STARRRRR" [for those who don't know: Worldstar Hiphop is a very ghetto website. It features fights, twerkvideos, vines, and more. Also, Westbrook is a ghetto school. How screwed is Kara?!]

I have no earthly idea what that means, but I wasn't about to lose this. I spat in her face.

Everyone oohed and then Mallory kicked me in my face, said "this isn't over", and stalked off with her groupies. They scoffed and rolled their eyes before turning on their heel in sync. I used to do that with my squad.

People were laughing and even more people were saying "WORRLLDD STARRR" then ever and recording me. I was infuriated and humiliated.

"GET THAT FXCKING CAMERA OUT OF MY FACE! Don't you guys have anything better to do with your non-existent lives?!"

"YOU GOT KNOCKED THE FXCK OUT, B1TCH" some tall black guy yelled out as other people laughed.

I rolled my eyes. Then the principal ran out if the school.

"What on earth is going on around here?! Is that anyway to welcome your new classmate?! GO TO CLASS! ALL OF YOU!"

The crowd started to dissemble and I got up and walked to the principal and turned on the charm [this would be worth 10 stars in Kim Kardashian Hollywood]. "Thank goodness you're here! I just stepped out of my car and then I was attacked! Never in my life have I gone through all this ridicule! I'm going home! I can't do this." I even added a tear to stress my case more.

"Don't cry, now" the principal said, looking a bit taken aback. "I don't recommend sending anyone home unless they're in trouble, but you've had a bad day. Plus, I checked your records and your grades are immaculate! So one day can't hurt. Come on back tomorrow."

He shook my hand and gave me a pat on the back. I just nodded with tears in my eyes and ran to my car.

He totally fell for it.

Hook, line, and sinker.

As I drove home I couldn't help but think about my current situation. How is it that two days ago I was on top of the world? My own show, a huge house out on Beverly Hills, I even met amazing bands like One Direction, Cold Play, Imagine Dragons, and Paramore. But because my show got cancelled, my life took a complete 360. You'd think my parents would be smart enough to have money saved, right?

But I should also have some money coming in soon. I had texted Sadie and Zach my new address and they said they'd send in 4,000$. It's not much, but I'll live.

I couldn't help but cheer up a little when I saw a text notification from Zach. I know texting and driving is bad*, but I really need to be cheered up right now.

Z: we're over. Going out with Jane. Srry.

My life came crashing down.

Suddenly, I felt impact on my right as a car collided with mine.

Then I lost consciousness.

A/n- on a scale from one to Regina George, how mean am I?

Teaser: next chapter is in either Zach or Sadie's POV. Maybe both.

-13 reads! It's small but it's a start. My other story, Pain has 57 reads! Maybe one day I'll become a published author!

Oh yeah, Mallory is played by either Beyoncé or Zendaya.

* I am not promoting texting and driving. It is a common death that can be prevented. If you want to learn fun ways to put a stop to this: text 383-83 . I promise it's not a scam. I saw the ad on Teen Nick. It basically gives you fun tips on how to prevent you or your loved ones from driving and texting. Plus, if you go to , you could get a 10,000$ scholarship towards college! All you have to do is send in various pictures of you completing the challenges they provide. Yes, it's 10,000$ PER PHOTO. Don't hesitate to text that number and answer the many "Would You Rather" questions it provides!

-piece out, Girl Scouts!

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