Interview W/ xSnowKiss

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You asked for another interview so here you go (:

1.) How did you find out about Wattpad…?

I found about wattpad through xShe3Believes5x when she used to write on quizilla back in 2012 :)

2.) Can you relate to any of your stories…?

I can relate to Amber in my story Lights, Cameras, & Harry Styles. Her personality was based on my own as well as her likes, dislikes, etc. (:

3.) What are your hobbies…?

Well of course writing as well as photography and videography (:

4.) Are you more of a reader or writer…?

It's actually kinda balanced! I read as much as I write. So yeah :D

5.) What is your favorite story on Wattpad…?

DEFINITELY Changing My Direction by forevermystic

6.) What inspired you to write this story…?

I'm assuming you're talking about LC&HS, so I'll say... I have no clue. haha :) It was just a random idea in the middle of the night. <3

7.) Did you ever thing your story would become this popular…?

NOT AT ALL! I'm still in shock of how far it as come!

8.) Any messages for your fans…?

Just a big thank you to all my fans! They're amazing, each and every one of them. They should just continue to write if that's what they like to do and to write for themselves, not other :)

9.) Do you plan to make a career as a writer…?

YES! After I finish high school I'd like to publish a book or get into journalism.

10.) What story did you have the most fun writing and why…?

Definitely Lights, Cameras, & Harry Styles. It's been a fun journey. I don't know why it was so much fun to write; it was just one of those stories I got so fully enveloped in. I love writing it (:

11.) Which one of your characters from one of your stories do you resemble the most…?

As I said before, Amber :)


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