Interview W/ AllTimeNutella

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1.) How did you find out about Wattpad…?

I actually downloaded the app on my phone thinking you could read published books on here, when I searched Harry Potter only fanfictions came up and let's just say one Draco fanfiction got me hooked on the site...

2.) Can you relate to any of your stories…?

I'm quite like most of the main characters, I have a different fashion sense and music taste than the people I know. And I'm awkward. xD

3.) What are your hobbies…?

Drawing, Writing, Reading, Army Cadets, Photography and film editing.

4.) Are you more of a reader or writer…?

Writer! (:

5.) What is your favorite story on Wattpad…?

The Only Girl In The Band by youXfoundXme

6.) What inspired you to write this story…?

Music gives me the inspiration to write anything. I can't process without music playing.

7.) Did you ever thing your story would become this popular…?

Heck no, I'm not even in the 1D fandom, I only wrote my stories for a friend, the fact that so many other people have read my stories makes me extremely happy and inspires me to continue writing! :D

8.) Any messages for your fans…?


9.) Do you plan to make a career as a writer…?

Maybe, I'm undecided at the moment, I'd like to.

10.) What story did you have the most fun writing and why…?

Harry Styles and the Potato because it is completely random, pointless and hilariously awful >.<

11.) Which one of your characters from one of your stories do you resemble the most…?

Probably Delilah from I'm Not Your Average girl, we're pretty similar :P Both very sarcastic and we both roll our eyes a lot.

Well there we go, all done :)

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