Chapter 11

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Kara and Lucy are out to dinner, catching up, things are going great. Then Lucy reaches for Kara's hand, and  at first Kara doesn't think much of it, but then Lucy's saying, "I'm really glad we're doing this, I never thought we would actually get this far." Kara is confused at that for a minute before she realizes, "Oh! Oh god this is a date?!" A look of hurt flashes across Lucy's face but Kara still hasn't let go of her hand.
"What did you think this was?" Lucy asks trying to laugh it off.
"I thought we were just hanging out.. as friends!" Kara explains, slightly embarrassed. "I like that this is a date though," she says her face warming, "now that I know it is." Kara adds which makes Lucy smile and squeeze her hand tighter. After dinner they get ice cream and walk around the park, just talking, neither one wanting the night to end.
Suddenly their phones go off simultaneously, startling them back into reality. "Oh no, we have to go!" Lucy says looking up from her phone, J'onn had texted saying they were needed for an emergency at the DEO. Kara rushes them to a secluded patch of trees and switches into here super suit.
"Here you can just come with me, it'll be faster." Lucy just nods stepping closer to Kara.
"Wait! What do i do with this?!" Lucy exclaims waving her half-eaten ice cream cone in front of her.
"Uhh... here!" Kara takes the cone and shoves most of it in her mouth. Lucy bursts out laughing at the sight.
"Thisc s' an emergency!" Kara tries to say while her mouth is still full, but she ends up laughing too. She shoves the rest of the cone in her mouth and takes Lucy in her arms. Lucy buries her head in Kara's shoulder unable to control her laughter. Within a few minutes they're landing at the DEO and Lucy has mostly calmed down.
"Supergirl, Agent Lane, took you long enough," J'onn says in way of greeting. This sends both Lucy and Kara back into another, more subdued, fit of giggles. J'onn just glares at the two of them.
"I'm sorry sir," Lucy says coughing, and avoiding eye contact with Kara.
"What was the emergency?"
After the emergency has been dealt with, rouge alien in custody, Kara finds Alex.
"So what was this incident I heard about involving you and Lane getting in trouble from J'onn?"
"We didn't get in trouble," Kara explains "we were just laughing about something,"
"Mmhmm," Alex gives her sister a look that says she in no way believes her.
"I'll tell you at home," Kara says quickly as she notices Lucy across the room.
"I'll be waiting!" Alex calls after her as
Kara walks over to Lucy.
"Hey, want me to take you home?"
"Okay, that's only fair seeing as you stranded me here," Lucy sighs, pretending to be dramatic. Kara just laughs and follows Lucy out the door.
They touch down in the alley beside Lucy's apartment.
"I had a really great time with you," Lucy says smiling up at Kara, then they start to lean in for a kiss but at the last second Lucy turns away. "I'm sorry, this just feels a little... unprofessional when you're in the suit,"
"Then take it off me." Kara is surprised at the boldness of her own words, but is immediately encouraged as Lucy practically melts into her arms. Suddenly they can't get to the door of her building quick enough. The short elevator ride up to Lucy's floor takes all of their self restraint. Kara pulls out her phone while they make the short journey and sends Maggie a text "I might be a bit later than originally planned... can you stay with Kenna?" Kara puts her phone away and glances at Lucy, all other thoughts immediately forgotten.
As soon as they're inside Lucy's apartment, she pins Kara to the door and unzips her suit with ease. As it hits the ground their lips meet, and Kara's hands are already reaching for the buttons on Lucy's shirt. By the time they make it to the bed not a scrap of clothing is left on. Lucy pulls back from the kiss for a moment, "you're sure about this?" Kara just nods and pulls her back in for another kiss. Lucy lets out a small laugh against Kara's lips, and Kara thinks it could quite possibly be, the most beautiful sound she's ever heard. Then a phone goes off somewhere in the room, and that's definitely one of the worst sounds Kara has ever heard.
"I swear if that's another emergency," Kara whines as she lays back on the bed, and Lucy searches for her phone.
"No, it's just a reminder. I'm turning this off now," Lucy says setting her phone down and turning back towards Kara, to resume what had been so rudely interrupted.

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