Chapter 27

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Kara brings up the idea going public with their relationship, and Lena's response is not what she was expecting.
"I don't think it's a good idea right now Kara. I'm just not comfortable with that right now. I don't think I'm ready for that yet."
"Oh, okay." Kara's little taken aback because wasn't Lena just saying that she wanted this?
"It's just, there's something I should to tell you..." Kara nods for her to continue, "It's just my mom, Lilian, has been in contact with me recently-"
Kara gasps and springs up in an instant, ready to jump into action, "Lena! Are you okay? What does she want?"
"It's nothing yet, don't worry. I have Alex discreetly keeping tabs on her just in case."
"Why didn't she tell me! I swear I'll-"
"No kara, we have to be careful with this. I don't want her finding out we're dating, let alone that you're Supergirl. Who knows what she would do."
"Okay. Okay, so what does that mean for us? We can't go out anymore?"
"I just think we should lay low until this blows over a bit."
"Okay, well probably a good thing I'm going out of town soon, but I don't want to leave you unprotected."
"Trust me, this is the one thing you can't do for me. Lilian won't hurt me, but if she finds out who you are... she's just delusional enough to start that fight."
"So I guess now wouldn't be a good time to mention Cat Grant wanting to feature us as National City's new power couple for the latest pride edition?"
"Oh, honey," Lena can see the disappointment Kara is trying so hard to hide. "I'd love to tell the world about us, but I think for everyone's safety we'd better wait until hurricane Lilian passes."
"Okay, but you're making that phone call to Cat." She teases and Lena groans at the thought of turning down the infamous Cat grant who always gets what she wants.

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