Love and Understanding

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Amanda was not just shocked by the question but fearful. If she wasn't careful with the answer she might accidentally cause what ever bond Conner had with his mother to break. She sat on the bed next to him "Conner, your mother does love you, she loves you a lot."
Amanda started "She may not always be here but she always comes home to you, she calls me to check on how you're doing, and she pays for your school as well as makes you launch for school." Amanda said softly "but she doesn't do the stuff you do." Amanda looked at the little boy confused and asked him what he meant. "She doesn't play with me, she doesn't read me stories, or cuddle me she doesn't even check for monsters under the bed." Conner stated sadly. Amanda's heart broke at the rest of his description. Apparently his mother was out so much that he only saw her in the morning.

"Conner look at me for a minute." She said once conners eyes met hers she smiled "you're mommy loves you very much, that's why she's gone so long. She wants you to have a good life in order for you to live in the house you do, she has to work hard to make the money in order for you to have food to eat, a bed to sleep in, and supplies for you to use at school."  She then went on to say if Conner ever needed to talk she'd always listen.
"You promise?" The boy asked Amanda smiled
"Cross my heart." She replied. With that said she kissed Conner's forehead and turned off the lights.

The next day Katja and Alissa came by and noticed that Amanda seemed troubled. "You okay Amanda?" The blonde singer asked as the three sat down. Amanda shook her head and explained the discussion she had with Conner before bed. Both Alissa and Katja agreed to be there for Conner when and if he needed them. "That might be harder then you think?" Amanda said with a sad smile. When Alissa asked why Amanda explained the pattern of conners behavior and that she was afraid that what freedom he had at his house would be taken away. "Well it makes sense I mean this is you're apartment therefore he has to fallow you're rules." Alissa said as if it were the most obvious answer in the world. Katja smiled "would you like me to help you with him tonight after Alissa is done watching him today?" Amanda nodded saying it would be a huge help. "Okay enough depressing news, what does Conner like to do for fun?" Alissa asked. She was going to be watching Conner today. Amanda smiled and told her what a normal day with Conner was like. "He usually takes a nap sometime after launch and he likes to cuddle a lot." She finished Alissa nodded.

"Conner doesn't have an involved parent, and he has little rules at home. His mother works all the time, and just tries to keep him happy when she's home." Amanda explained "He had several sitters lined up during the days, but I seem to be the one that's lasted the longest. I guess I'm supposed to fix a small supper, too. I've never done a huge meal, but I can cook something simple, like pasta, for two. I've done it for Katja and I." It was true the most she made for Conner was spaghetti and meat balls in the microwave that and peanut butter and jelly.

"Yeah, except he might have to eat in the corner," Katja remarked. Conner was pretty well-behaved in day care and at school, but still wild at home.

"That's the part I'm dreading. I hate punishing him. I didn't even like it when I had to punish him once a few weeks ago, let alone sending anyone to their room. But, at least Then the kids listened very well. And, if they mess up, being sent to there room or losing some privilege seems to work really well." Katja gave her friend a smile "don't worry we got you're back."

"Ask his mom to bring Conner here," offered Bach who just walked in.

"Sorry, Bach. It wouldn't feel like I was doing it then. It would just be inviting him for dinner a few times, like when we took him with us to The gym for Fun."

"But, you've heard and seen what he's like at home," Katja finished for her. "From what he's told You, he just does whatever he wants. His mother ignores it if he breaks something and she pays for it, so she don't have to correct anything."

"Exactly. And, I guess in a way, I feel like I have to teach him how to obey the rules there, too." Alissa shook her head. "It sounds like at home, all he needs is a stuffed tiger and it'd be perfect."

"Between him, Jake and Logan, you really might have your hands full," katja remarked.

"Yeah. Even though Logan and Jake are just your everyday jokers, just keeping my sanity intact while living with team 10 was as tough at first. I had these nightmares of them getting together, forming a cult, and combining to overthrow the government of some small, Latin American country and becoming its dictators."

Katja walked over to Amanda and put an arm around her. "Want me to help your this time? If Conner's never had any rules at home, I doubt the other sitters besides you have been very successful at getting him to listen. I know I'm almost his only babysitter those rare times he's had me. We're better for him, but it sounds like he's only good because He's a little afraid of losing your friendship if he's really bad with Me."

"True. he has a pretty strong bond with me but still..."

"He knows you love him. And, he knows His mom does, too. He's more confident of that. That's why he tests you more," batch noted. He thought for a minute. "Wait, that didn't sound as encouraging as I wanted it to be." He knew Amanda might take that to mean Alissa would have problems.

Amanda Cerny babysittingWhere stories live. Discover now