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They were both drifting apart.

Haseung didn't want to admit it but it was true, their friendship is slowly fading.

No words were ever spoken for some time.

No laughter was heard for moments.

No feelings were shared for a while.

Vernon missed her too, but he wanted to reach for his dreams, and he hoped that Haseung would understand.

She did.

But even if she did, she can't avoid the selfishness she feels towards him.

She wanted his time, but he can't give any of that to her.

Not anymore.

One day, they finally met, finally again.

Haseung was asked to buy eggs from the local mart beside their house, but they had just run out. So she decided to go to the big market.

Vernon and some of his members, Chan and Seungkwan was the ones to go to the store that day to buy groceries.

"What else do we need?"

Seungkwan, the eldest of the three asked to no one in particular. They looked over the stuff they placed in the cart for their Sundubu jjigae.


Chan exclaimed. The other two looked at him, confused.

"Hyung, you forgot to grab the eggs"

Seungkwan looked back at the cart. He did notice that there weren't eggs. Sighing, he motioned to go back to the egg isle, but Vernon held him back.

"It's alright, I'll go get them by myself hyung. Go and get these checked out, the lines might get long"

Seungkwan nodded and pushed the cart along with chan while Vernon went back to where the eggs were.

Standing there stood Haseung, struggling to reach the large egg trays that were on the highest shelf on her tiptoes.

Due to her height, Haseung barely even touched the rim of the shelf. Then a hand shot up and grabbed a tray, handing it to her.

She looked at the person's hand, finding it familiar. Her eyes drifted towards the person's face, shocked to see him again.

Vernon stared at her, missing her beauty. Missing those wide eyes of hers that were so full of curiosity. Her cute button nose. Her little brown freckles that sprinkled around her cheeks. And her lips, oh how he missed them. He missed them smiling, laughing at his lame jokes.

Without him knowing, he hugged her, tears stinging the sides of his eyes. Haseung couldn't hug back because of the eggs she was carrying, but she placed her chin in his shoulder, muffling a sob.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

They both exanged.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner, I'm so sorry."

At this point, Vernon was sobbing. People walked passed them giving them weird looks, but he couldn't care less for that now. All he wants was to get her back.

But he knew he couldn't.

He stepped back and grabbed eggs for himself, going back to his friends.

Haseung couldn't do anything as she looked at Vernon's back, growing smaller as he turned a corner. A tear slipped out of her eyes as she recalled their conversation a second ago.

"Will you come back to me?"

He closed his eyes, hearing the desperation in her voice. He wished he could say yes, but he couldn't now, he couldn't go back. It was for his dreams.

"I'm sorry Haseung, I can't stay."

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