Chapter 10

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"Little wolf, its time to weak up." Caroline said, gently shaking Hope. She found the pet name adorable, so a too had taken to calling her little wolf. "Come on Hope get up." Caroline ssaida little seriously when Hope wouldn't comply.

   Things were going so well for Caroline and Klaus at present. They were both really excited about the arrival of Jason. Caroline was going to pop any day now. The school was running very well given the fact it was just the first year. Turns out there were a lot of advanced kids in New Orleans searching for a place to fit in.

   "But it's a holiday." Hope mumbled as she tired my got out of bed.

   Caroline scoffed. "What holiday?"

   "Pick one make one up."

   "Mmmh how about international go to school day?"

   Hope groaned. "That holiday sucks."

   "What are you talking about? That's an awesome holiday. Now get ready, whilst I make you some breakfast. You know how your father feels about being late." Caroline said exiting the room.

   She made her way into the kitchen and found Klaus making breakfast by the stove. She definitely wasn't expecting that. When she'd left their room to wake Hope he was still dead to the world but now he was all dressed and ready to go.

   "You didn't have to do this, I was going to come do it." Caroline said. 

   "Of course I did, I dont like the idea of you being your feet at this point in your pregnancy." Klaus said. "You are about to go into Labour any day now."

   "You baby me too much." Caroline said kissing him softly. 

   "And I enjoy it. Hope didn't give you trouble waking up did she?" Klaus asked. His daughter had not been very keen to wake up ever since she started going to an actual school instead of being home schooled.

   "I'm hoping it gets better with time. Do you think something is going on at school that she's not telling us about?"

   "I'll look into it today. Hope enjoyed school the first two weeks, but now she's slacking off, I don't like it."

   "Maybe you can ask Ian about it, they tell each other everything." Caroline suggested. Klaus frowned, he didn't like the idea that his daughters bestfriend was a boy one bit. It gave him comfort that the boy was afraid of him though, much to Carolines disapproval.

   Hope came down and kissed her father's cheek goodmorning before sitting down and munching into the food Klaus had made.

   Klaus took the opportunity to question her before doing his own investigation. "Hope is there something going on with you? According to your teachers your grades are dropping, you've been giving Caroline a hard time when she wakes you up, and I've noticed you haven't been playing wit other kids at school, just Ian."

   "I'm fine daddy." Hope mumbled before sighing. "Its just that there's a man who's been watching me at school, the new janitor. Wherever I am his always there. He might just doing his job, but it creeps me out. I'm always worried and distracted now."

   "Oh Hope," Caroline said giving the little girl a comforting hug. "What does this man look like, maybe your father can talk to him and find out what his problem is."

   "He's tall, but not like a basketball player. He has blackish brownish hair. And he looks like one of those football players." Hope described.

   Caroline gasped at the description. She would know that discription anywhere. She was married to that discription. But it couldn't be, why now when she was happy? And what could he possibly want.

   Caroline swallowed the lump in her throat. "Do you know his name."

   "I heard one of the teachers call him Mr. Lockwood."

   Everything went black for Caroline in that second, causing Hope and Klaus to panic. The minute Hope said Lockwood, Klaus knew something big was going down. 

When Caroline came to, she was in a hospital bed, a doctor and some nurses surrounding her. She felt a sharp pain go through her and she yelped alerting the doctor that she was awake. 

   "Welcome back Miss Forbes, I am doctor Gerard, I'll be overseeing your labour." The doctor said.

   "You're Klaus' friend." Caroline moaned in pain. "I remember seeing you at the garden party."

   "I wasn't sure you'd remember me." Marcel chuckled. "Rebekah just came to pick up Hope, Klaus is just saying bye."

   As if hearing his name Klaus barged into the room panting. "Love, you're awake." Klaus said.

   "I'm okay, Klaus." Caroline smiled taking his hand.

   "Caroline, according to your files your labour was due in three days so that's good news, you are out I the danger zone. The bad new however is you are only two centimetres dilated, this little one doesn't seem to be in any hurry to grace us with his presence."

   Caroline groaned. "Just like his mother, stubborn till the end. How long have I been out?"

   "Close to three hours." Marcel replied. "We were preparing to give you a Ceaser if you didn't wake up by the time you reached ten."

   "No I want it to be natural. A dose of epidural will be great though."

   "We can only administer that when you reach six centimetres." Marcel informed much to Caroline and Klaus' dismay. "I'm just going to check how far you are then we will go from there."

   Klaus and Caroline watched anxiously as Marcel lifts her dress. He gasps causing Caroline and Klaus to worry. And stress wasn't good for Caroline or the baby at this point.

   "Whats going on?" Klaus asked.

   "Nothing to worry about really." Marcel said calmly. "Its just Caroline you went fron two to four in less than ten minutes. It's almost as though your baby was slowing down just so you wouldn't miss his birth. Very peculiar."

    Caroline and Klaus relaxed. This was the moment they had been waiting for. Now it was here.

   "Hope said to give you a kiss and to tell you that you and BJ should come home soon so that the nursery doesn't get lonely."

   Caroline swooned. "Thats so sweet. BJ?"

   "According to Hope Jason is too long so she's going to call him BJ when he is a baby and JJ when he too old for BJ." Klaus explained. "The whole family sends their luck. I left them at the compound. Elijah is taking care of the Tyler issue. When he's done that man will never see daylight again."

   "Thank you." Caroline said before hunching over in pain. "Gosh I hope he gets out fast."

Hey guys sorry with exams going on its hard to update everyday, but here is chapter ten. The next chapter I'm going to jump all the way after the birth seeing asci don't really know how to write those scenes. Anyway let me know if you think Elijah should Deal with Tyler, Esther and Hayley in the next chapter or if I should delve deeper into that case. This story has about three more chapters left, so Maj it quick.

P.S. Don't forget to read Zarth by Celestisworld 😍😍

P.S.S. Thank you all for the support, it really gives me that brunch to hang onto.😙

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