Chapter 8

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The day of the party had finally arrived, everyone was up and down making sure things were perfect. Klaus had sent Caroline and Hope out to buy some dresses for the party while he stayed behind and finalised finalised preparations. 

   "What do you think Caroline?" Hope asked coming out of the dressing room wearing an adorable gold dress. 

   Caroline couldn't help the tears. "Wow baby girl you look so adorable. Your daddy is not going to know what hit him."

   Hope blushed. "I think this is the one." Hope smiled. "Do you think Ian will like it?"

   Caroline nearly burst out laughing. If Klaus was here she was sure he'd send the boy to a priesthood. It was clear as day that Hope had a crush on Ian even though she had no idea what a crush was. Caroline and Barbra, Ian's mum, joked all the time that they might get married in the future.

   "He'll love it sweetie. And the best part you already have matching shoes." Caroline said. "I guess it's my turn now huh?"

   Caroline had selected five dresses that she thought would suit her even with her seven month pregnancy bump. She came out of the dressing room wearing a purple floor length dress. She twirl around, showing Hope, but the little girl frowned and sent her back into the dressing room. Whilst Caroline was trying on her next dress, a blue dress hanging on one of the st or rails caught her eye. She hopped of her chair and went to take it. 

   "Caroline try this one, daddy loves blue." Hope giggled handing Caroline the dress through the curtain.

   Caroline chuckled at Hope's antics, but took the dress either way. She was sure that Hope was the biggest supporter of her and Klaus' relationship. She only hoped hisfamily would be too.

   Hope gasped as Caroline exited the dressing room wearing the dress. "Wow Caroline, you look like a queen."

   "I feel like one." Caroline marvelled.

   "What an outstanding choice Miss Forbes," Maria the store assistant who had been helping them said. "We have some comfortable shoes to go with that, would you like to try them on?"

   "Yes please." Caroline smiled.

   Maria came back a few minutes later with some gorgeous kitten heals that even Caroline could walk in. After agreeing on their purchases, they left the store and headed back to the compound.

   When they arrived, Klaus was done with the set up and all that was left was to  get ready. It took Caroline three hours to get herself and Hope ready, but it was worth it especially when she saw the look on Klaus' face when they made it downstairs.

   "You look beautiful." Klaus said dreamily. "My beautiful girls."

   Caroline and Hope giggled at the flattery. "You look handsome." Caroline said.

   "Daddy what do you think of Caroline's dress?" Hope asked eagerly.

   "It's beautiful angel, and so is yours." Klaus praised.

   Suddenly the doorbell rang bringing him out of his trance. "Are you girls ready?"

   "Yep." Caroline and Hope said as they went to greet their guests.

   Standing at the door were the Mikaelson clan, Caroline had never felt more intimidated than she did in that moment. They ushered them into the house. 

   "Caroline I'd like for you to meet my mother Ester, my sister's, Freya and Rebekah, then there's my brother Finn and his wife, Sage and their children Ryan and Briana. Then we have Elijah and his girlfriend Katherine, then Kol and Henrick."

   "It's an honour to meet you all," Caroline said. 

   "Oh don't be so formal." Rebekah said hugging Caroline. "Nick has told us all about you and can I just said his description did you no justice. You are beautiful. Definitely better than the last strumpet he brought around."

   "Rebekah. " Klaus growled in warning.

   "So you at the girlfriend?" Esther said in a disapproving voice. "Why are you not with your husband? Surely he doesn't approve of you wanting to raise his child with another man?" 

   Caroline frowned. "Actually I'm divorced."

   "Honestly Niklaus could you not do any better than a low class tramp?" Esther sneered.

   "Mother." All the Mikaelson children chastised.

   "I'll be in the garden if anyone needs me. Hope come and tell your grandmother how your studies have been."

   The Mikaelson siblings followed Hope and Esther  giving Caroline sympathetic looks as they went.

   "Love I am so sorry." Klaus said. 

   "It's okay Klaus, I knew that this was noun to happen, it's not your fault." Caroline said. "I'll be okay."

   Klaus nodded even though he knew she wasn't okay, but he knew she wouldnt want him making a scene. The last of the guests art shortly and the party started. Other than Esther's horrible treatment, Caroline was enjoying herself. Everyone was so friendly towards her especially Klaus' sisters.

   Klaus clinked his glass to grab everyone's attention. "I am happy to welcome you all into my house.  As many if you are aware of, starting next month, I will be opening the Mikaelson School of the Advanced."

   "I'll be going there." Hope said making everyone laugh.

   "Yes you will my darling." Klaus smiled. "I would like to thank everyone who has had my back during these past few months, but most of all I want to thank Caroline for showing me that I can do anything as long as i put my heart to it."

   Everyone cheered as he made his way off the stage, but before he could get to Caroline the doorbell rang. Klaus thought everyone was there with the exception of his father was there. He excused himself, but he wished he hadn't when he saw was at the door.

Well there you go. It's 3 a.m and I am finally sleepy.😴

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