Six ~ Cherry Pie

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*Song = Every Rose Has Its Thorn by Poison*

The whole time I was walking back to Duff's Izzy's was talking but I couldn't hear a word, I just kept walking. We made it up the stairs to the apartment and I tried to get into the apartment as quickly as possible but as I was closing the door Izzy's foot blocked it.

"Beck... oh hey..." Duff said acknowledging Izzy coming in through the door which I was slowly backing away from. "Man who are you, I don't think she wants you here." Duff stood up stepping towards Iz who now looked like he was fuming.

"Is this who you've been doing since I haven't been around?" Izzy's hand was curled in a fist.

"Izzy no. That isn't like me is it? I only met him today, and I haven't had sex with him!"

"Yeah well I bet you thought I wasn't the type to sleep with others either."

"Oh he's Izzy.." Duff spat.

Izzy continued... "you only met him today and you're staying with him?! How stupid can you get Becky?! You're being more irresponsible than Axl right now."

"Izzy come and sit." My temper went from being sky high to being as calm as a lake, I didn't know why, it just did. We walked over to the sofa and armchair, with izzy taking the sofa, I had the armchair and Duff stood behind me watching Izzy. I had a good feeling he didn't trust him. I glanced at him whilst walking over and saw one fist clenched with the other hand being flexed.


"Izzy you've changed."


"Sleeping around. More physical. More desperate. Even your body language is different... I don't know how or why but it is."

"Becky, look I love you-"


"Why would you ever doubt that? Look, this city changes people, it changed me. We never officially broke up but I assumed we were over and that you had found someone else. I mean why wouldn't you, it's been over a year."

"Yeah, I was left in Indiana on my own for over a year because Axl came to find you. Have you even heard from him?"

"I think I've heard of his whereabouts but I haven't seen him nor heard directly from him." Izzy kept his eyes glued to the sofa. "Becky please come home." He stood up and walked over to the armchair, so that he was towering over me. His brown eyes full of sorrow looking straight into mine.


"My apartment.."

"Where you've had all those women, I think not."


"How many people have you slept with since Indiana?"

"Uhhh" he glanced up at Duff for a split second, I couldn't see what expression Duff had but I could tell it wasn't pretty because Izzy immediately brought his attention back down. "I don't know, a couple. Look they were just mindless fucks, they meant nothing."

"Right" I broke eye contact and looked down at my lap. "Izzy I want to stay here."

"You don't even know this dude! Yet you're choosing him over me!"

"Izz, look he's been really sweet, before him I was sleeping in my car. He gave me the bed and he said if I don't feel comfortable with him in here whilst I sleep he will go out all night." Izzy looked heartbroken as he glared at Duff.

"Can you at least come to mine for a couple minutes, I don't wanna talk with him in the room."

"I will tomorrow ok? Just please don't sleep with anyone else until then?"

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