Two~ Hello Los Angeles

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*Song= Los Angeles by The Pink Slips*

I pulled up along the curb. I had no idea where in the city Axl and Izzy were, they always tended to be quite good at hiding until they wanted to be found, but they had no reason to hide because they didn't know I was here.

I knew where abouts I was because a little down the road I had parked on there was a sign saying 'Sunset' meaning Sunset Boulevard... obviously. The next thing I needed to do was buy a map so that I could navigate through the city with more ease. Although the longer I looked around in shops for one the louder my stomach grew, so eventually I gave in and dragged my feet into a diner.

I plonked myself in a chair next to the window at the front of the diner and quickly ordered a burger and fries, accompanied by a glass of coke. Soon after ordering I zoned out thinking about how to find Izzy in this concrete jungle- I didn't even notice when  two boys had pulled up chairs to my table and were sat trying to get my attention.

"Hello are you in there?" One semi shouted whilst clicking his fingers and almost silently giggling like a little girl.

"Man, I don't think she wan- hey look she's noticed us!" The other exclaimed once noticing I had turned to face the boys. The one sat directly in front of me across the table had wild, dark curly hair, complimenting his dark olive coloured skin tone. You could barely see his eyes from the fluff ball of hair on top of his head covering his eyes - but I had a hunch they were brown through little glimpses through the curls. The other was sat to the right of me, in between fluff ball and I. He had a light skin tone along with one of the biggest smiles I had seen all day. His long blonde hair looked as if it had been teased the night before but after partying, sleeping and whatever else he had done it had gravitated towards the ground yet again. His eyes I could clearly see were blue.

"Can I help you?" I questioned looking between the two.

"Uhhhh-" the blonde started.

"You tell us." Curly smirked leaning across the table, cutting off blonde.

"Look- I've literally just got here from Indiana. I'm really hungry and I assume you guys just want to bang. I'm not up for it, sorry to be a let down but that's not how I roll." I looked over to see a waitress approaching my table with my food which was making me a bit giddy.

"I knew you weren't from around here!" Blonde exclaimed. "N' why'd you just assume we want to bang you?" He pouted. "What if we wanted to be your friend?" He tilted his head looking a bit like a puppy, I had a sudden urge to pat his poofy hair.

"Here you go miss!" The waitress arrived before I had a chance to answer, luckily. She placed my food down before asking the boys if they'd like to order anything, which they replied with "two cokes would be fine thanks."

"So anyway, I may as well begin to get to know people..." I started once the waitress had left. "What are your names?" Yet again looking between the boys, not sure who was going to answer. Turned out it was Curley.

"I'm Slash and here is ma good buddie Steven." Curley- no Slash - replied pointing at Steven. "... and you're name is...?" He continued.


"Short for Rebecca ?!" Steven suddenly burst out.

"Haha yeah, short for Rebecca" I let out.

"So, Becky what brings you to Los Angeles?" Slash seemed to be full of questions. Before I answered I took a massive bite of my burger. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Steven gawking with his mouth wide open.

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