Eight~ Good morning...

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*Song = Looks That Kill by Mötley Crüe *

I woke up to a pool of light filling the room through the massive window just left of the bed. Rolling over I saw Duff still sleeping and I didn't want to wake him so I slipped out from his loose grip around me and sat on the sofa. Last night Duff had brought up one of my books and my reading glasses along with my clothes so I decided to read that. Pretty soon I realised that nothing I was reading would stay in my head until I had woken up properly so I made myself some coffee and returned to the sofa.

I'm guessing Duff could smell the coffee because shortly after I had made myself comfortable I could hear him stirring in the bed.

"Mornin' doll" I was sat sideways on the sofa so I was facing him. I looked up and a smile crept across my face. His dyed blonde hair was stuck up all over the place and his eyes had yet to adjust to the brightness of the room. "God I need curtains." Duff's voice had a husky tone to it, making him seem more sexy. Then I remembered what happened last night... Izzy, the sex, all of it. I could feel the colour drain from my face and Duff noticed my change in mood instantly. "What's wrong Doll?" He rubbed his eyes and squinted to look at me.

"Nothing's wrong. You want some coffee?" I mentally face palmed myself once I stood up, I knew I said that far too quickly so now he's obviously going to know something's up.

"Coffee sounds great. Look if this is about last night we agreed we wouldn't let things become weird between us." I quickly poured his coffee and began making my way over to the bed.

"It's not that, things aren't going to become weird between us if we don't let them." I sat on the edge of the bed and handed Duff his coffee. "It's just Izzy. I wasn't intending on finding him this quickly, nor the way I found him, but I did find him but I don't know what to say. I thought it would be a while until we would have to talk and by then I thought I would know what I would say." I paused and looked up at Duff. "Do you think he's gonna be mad at me?"

"For what Doll?"

"For coming here. For finding him. For letting Ax come here. For arguing. For choosing you over him. For sleeping with y-"

"You're intending to tell Izzy about us?!" Duff nearly chocked on his coffee. "Beck for your sake I don't think you should tell him. I mean you told him not to sleep with anymore women then go you and sleep with someone else. That won't go down well."

"You're right." I sighed. "There's something off about him too. I don't know whether it's because I caught him cheating, or if it's something else but I wanna know what it is." Duff looked down into his coffee and took a deep breath before looking back up at me.

"Look, i'm not saying this is right, I'm just saying it's a possibility... but he may be on some kind of drug."

"Excuse me what?!" It was at this moment where I had a sudden urge to slap Duff, but I didn't.

"I don't know what you guys did in Indiana but the majority of people in LA are either on drugs or dealing them. I'm just going to say it, I do coke, and so do many of my friends and the way Izzy was acting is usually how people act when on coke. I'm not trying to say this to scare you but if you find out that he is on some drug just don't lash out, that's the last thing he'll want. You can't help people that don't want to be helped and if you tell them not to do it you're just inspiring them to do it more. It's kinda their 'fuck you' gesture to whoever told them to stop."

"Well great." I had now officially slept with a coke head.

"I'm not saying he is on drugs, it's just a possibility. I mean we live in a very sketchy area, most people here sell drugs out their back window."

"Alright." I stood up and walked back to the coffee table, picked up my coffee and gathered my outfit for today before heading to the bathroom to down my drink, get changed and wash my face and brush my teeth. I wanted to make an impression when seeing Izzy so I decided to do my makeup and wear jewellery, leaving my slightly wavy hair. I let Duff know I was just going back down to the car, although he didn't answer so I think he fell asleep.

The outfit Duff had chose was quite fitting. I had a black top with long sleeves, that didn't over my collarbone or shoulders paired with blue denim jeans and black, shiny heels.

I collected all the things I needed and headed back to the bathroom. I out on a three gold ear cuffs, a golden necklace that was a small patterned plate and a few rings. As for my makeup, I did a natural lip along with a black winged eyeliner (not too over the top). I used a bronzer for my eyeshadow and a classic black mascara.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Duff fixing himself more coffee and a breakfast in the kitchen.

"Holy shitting hell, you look hot!" Duff kept his mouth open as his eyes roamed my body, although they were mainly on my face (thankfully).

"Thank you." I smiled and placed my mug in the sink.

"Y'know it's been a long time since I've eaten properly and gown to sleep at appropriate times and whatever. So thanks for the hospitality."

"Thank you for letting me stay." Duff brought over his drink and breakfast and sat at the table.

"Do you think you may move back in with Izzy?"

"Depends mainly on how today goes. It's kind of a rushed decision too, although I have known him for the majority of my life. Also he may not even ask me to move in."

"You can stay here longer if you want. Izzy wanted you to stay with him yesterday. I got the impression he didn't like me so I won't be surprised if he asked you to stay with him." Duff spoke through mouthfuls and mouthfuls of food and coffee. It genuinely worried me how much he could fit in.

"If I do end up staying with Izzy, I don't want you to think that I only stayed with you for sex or whatever. I want to keep in touch too, you're a hella nice lad."

"Why thank you Becks."

We continued to discuss what Duff would do whilst I was at Izzy's and for the rest of the day, depending on how long I took. I saw the clock was at 11:30 so I decided it was time to go and see Izzy. I looked myself over in the mirror and said goodbye to Duff, then made my way out of the building..


To be continued....

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