Good Friends Are Like Stars

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This is for yah Sissy babe Jhunet and Baby sisy Jhen and Baby nicz. Thank you so much for being my stars..  Love Love ko kayo


Good friends are like stars.

You don't always see them, but you know they're always there.  A good friend is a friend that will always be there for you no matter what. No matter if times are difficult or if times are the best that they have ever been, a true friend will either be right by your side, or be there as soon as you call. We must in turn be willing to do the same for our friends. Remembering what is really important in life is key to moving along in life as we need to. 

Though many of us find our jobs important, remember that in times when you need help, your job probably won't be there to help, or at least not as good as a friend will. Without good friends, life is almost impossible to conquer, so make sure that you treat all of your friends with as much respect and dignity as possible, and show them that you will always be there for them, no matter how hard or how difficult the road ahead of them may be.

LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, LIFE  ARTICLETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon