Sometimes You Can't See The Pain Someone Feels

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Not all scars show, not all wounds heal. Sometimes you can't always see, the pain someone feels.   

Just because someone is acting out in a manner that you neither like nor appreciate, doesn't mean that you have to act out in a rude manner towards them. In fact, many times it is best to treat those who treat you badly, with kindness, and with a smile. Not only are rude words killed by kind words, many people will feel compelled to change their rude attitudes to a more kind attitude, even if it only lasts for but a moment. 

As the world turns, it seems as though more and more people are living their lives with more stress, and more weight on their backs than ever before. Don't be a part of the problem and add more stress to a person's plate, instead be the person that opens their eyes. Show them that the way they treat people is contagious, and instead of spreading negativity in this tough world, a smile and a few kind words can go so much further!

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