Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Harry woke me up, hearing his soft whispers in my ears. I groaned a little, swifting my waist to the other side. He stroked my side, while planting kisses all over my body.

"You like that I see?" Harry said smirking at me. 

"Yes.. Harry. I do." I said relaxed.

"Did you have dreams of me baby?" Harry asked stroking my hair.

I nodded. He smiled at me and sat on the bed beside me, caressing my arm.


"Yes babe."

"When you kissed me, you left me wanting more. You made me crave it."

"The feeling is mutual."

Harry leaned in and slowly lifted off my shirt. His small kisses that went across the bridge of my jawline and face lingered against my skin as his hot breath crashed against it.  He moved his way up to my lips slowly, placing soft kisses everywhere he traveled. I just staring into his beautiful bold green eyes, he leaned in to me slowly and his lips pressed against mine, kissing me hungrily. I placed my soft hands at his waist as he shifted closer to me. The kiss got more deeper as I parted my lips allowing his tounge to enter into my mouth. His kisses were unexplainable, full of excitement and passion, and the best feeling I could possibly ever experience in my life. He was breathtaking and left me wanting more everytime. I let out a few moans as he contiunued, kissing me more and more. I wanted him. Badly. As the breathing deepened, we slowed the pace down and we slowly pulled away staring into eachothers eyes and smiling. 

"I-I liked that" Harry said glancing at me.

"I liked that.. too."

"Do you feel better?"

"Yeah, after you I do."

Harry smiled at me, and kissed me on the forehead.

"Are you going to go home or are you just going to stay here the whole time?" Harry joked.

"Why.. You don't want me to stay here anymore?" I said pouting and turning my eyes to face the ground.

"Of course I do babe. I'm just saying maybe you want to tell your mom that your okay, or do you want me to do that?"

"You can do that," I said smiling sheepishly as I cuddled into my pillow and closed my eyes.

"Fine, lazy butt," Harry said laughing as he grabbed Natalie's phone from the dresser beside him and dialed her mom.


I'M SORRY IM HAVING MAJOR WRITERS BLOCK DX this chapter was shit omg. I'll promise the next will be better <3 LOVE YOU GUYS!


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 17, 2012 ⏰

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