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WONWOO looked by the road in which Mina used to take when she got home. To be frank, he had been stalking her for the last few months eversince he got back from furthering his studies in the oversea. He was so devastated to know that his long-time-no-see bug-faced-crush since middle school still living in this neighbourhood.


Mina was his crush. There's a reason why he kept spreading bad rumors about her in school. Wonwoo liked the way Mina was during her middle school. That bug-face innocent girl was Wonwoo first crush eversince he entered that school.

The fact that Mina changed a lot in high school saddened his heart. Mina was getting prettier. And many boys started to talk about her. She wasnt in the same class with him, but boys from his class will always talk about her.

His senior, Kim Mingyu also had a crush on her, so he started making rumors. Rumors that Mina got her plastic surgery done for her face and revealed her bug-faced middle school pictures in the school forum. He was just trying to get people off from Mina's attention, but the plan had gone wrong.

Many people bashed her. Making her changed her school. But the rumors didnt stop there. It spreads in her new school too, resulting her getting home-schooled.

He has his own reason to meet Mina these days. But at times, when Mina ignored him and acted as if he was a bad guy, he loses his nerves and his temper so, he became unconsciously red-headed. Especially when he knew that Mina had few protectors these days. The sharp-nosed guy and the pale guy.

He decided to wait for Mina everyday to be walking with her home. But, she was cold. She ignored him. She didnt even saw him at all. She would just walked pass by him and he would be just standing there, not being able to do anything.

Wonwoo messed his own hair. He looked at all Mina's images in his room. Since middle school until now. His room was filled with Mina's images. He would lock his room whenever he goes out from his room. And no one could enter except for him.

"I really need to clear off my name so that she wont think bad about me anymore," he mumbled to himself.

He took off from his chair and grabbed his coat. After locking his room, he walked out from the house, ignoring his mom yelling to him not to get out at the moment. He walked out from the house, walking with his camera, towards his favorite place to meet Mina. He was excited.

He waited there, at the tteokbeokki stall with a bottle of soju in his hands with a smile on his face. He kept on waiting, until he saw Mina's sillhouette. But she didnt seem to be alone.

The sharp-nosed guy was with her. Wonwoo sighed. As he was about to walk, suddenly,

"Uh, you're that guy ..."

Wonwoo turned his head and looked at the owner of the voice who seemed to be talking to him. It was the guy and Mina. She was hugging on the sharp-nosed guy's arm as if she would never wanna let go.

Wonwoo sighed in silence.

"You lived in this neighbourhood too, huh?" The sharp-nosed guy asked.

Wonwoo just nodded his head. As he was about to walk, again, the guy called out for him,

"About the other day ..."

Wonwoo turned his head,

"It's okay. It was my fault too. I shouldn't have greeted her that way. In fact, I was one of her bullies. Of course, she would be scared of me," He said.

"I am Dokyeom," the sharp-nosed guy looked at Wonwoo with a smile.

Mina was just behind him, looking at Dokyeom who seemed to be searching for reconciliation between her and Wonwoo the bad guy. In which, she knew that she will be in a great trouble.

ESCAPE - SEVENTEEN S.COUPS FANFIC [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now